PE, Anatomy-(GCSE) Summer term (Yr.10)
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- Created by: lizzie.0602
- Created on: 10-05-18 21:15
what are the different types of training ?
interval, fartlek, continuous, circuit, static stretching, weight, plyometric, high altitude
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what is circuit training ?
different exercises performed exactly after another with or without a rest in between. each different exercise is called a station and going around each station once is called a circuit
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what is continuous training ?
doing exercise for a long time without having any kind of rest. this type of training improves cardio vascular endurance
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what is fartlek training ?
when the speed is changed at different times in the training, also known as speed play. eg sprint-jog-sprint-jog
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what is interval training ?
when you train for a certain amount of time and have set rests eg, work-rest-work-rest
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what is plyometric training ?
used to increase power, based on the rebounding of a movement eg, jumping
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what is static stretching training ?
contracting muscles isometrically to hold a stretch for a long time eg, gymnasts, warmups
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what is weight training ?
the movements of free weights or use of resistance machine to improve muscular endurance
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what is high altitude training ?
carrying out training above sea level over different terrain to improve on the aerobic system which therefore improves cardiovascular endurance
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what are the two different types of weight training ?
free weights and resistance weights
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what are the three different types of strength explained ?
static- maximum force applied to object, dynamic-repetetive application of a force by a muscle, explosive-force applied in one movement at speed
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how is static strength and power improved ?
by lifting heavy weights and low reps above 70% of your one rep max
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how is dynamic strength improved ?
by lifting weights many times. usually achieved through lower weights and high 'reps', below 70% of your one rep max
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why does high altitude training benefit cross country runners ?
because the less amount of oxygen makes your body make more blood cells to carry oxygen to working muscles which means they have more red blood cells to get oxygen to the muscles quicker
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what are the positive and negatives of high altitude training ?
pos- helps endurance, benefits any athlete that works aerobically-- neg: difficult to complete training, fitness can be lost because it's too difficult so you dont run, suffer from altitude sickness, benefits lost quickly
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why does plyometric training benefit netball players ?
because it increases power and uses gravity and your body weight to stress muscles involved
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what are the positives and negatives of plyometric training ?
increases power, requires little or no equipment neg: can over stress joints muscles, results in injury can get DOMS
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what are the principles of training ?
specific, progressive/overload, reversibility, tedium frequency, intensity, time, type
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define specificity
training should be specific to the needs of the sport they take part in
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define progressive overload
training should sensibly overload the body, if progresses too quick it can cause injury
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define reversibility
if you stop or decrease training, fitness is likely to drop eg, if a long distance runner stops training, their cardiovascular endurance is likely to decrease
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define tedium
reffering to boredom, training should b altered to prevent this eg, circuit training should be varied activites
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define frequency
refers to how someone trains, training should take place three times a week
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define intensity
how hard you train
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define time
how long you train for, if fitness increases increase time or if you cannot reach the time decrease it
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define type
refers to the type of training used the training type must remain suitable
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why warm up ?
raise body temperature, increase range of movement at a point, increase amount of oxygen delivered to working muscles, mental- helps performer get in the zone
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what are the four stages of a warm up ?
pulse raiser, stretches, skills practice, mental rehersal
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why cool down ?
pulse lowering, safely return body to resting state, prevents injury soreness and doms
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what gets sped up by cooling down ?
the recovery process
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is circuit training ?
different exercises performed exactly after another with or without a rest in between. each different exercise is called a station and going around each station once is called a circuit
Card 3
what is continuous training ?
Card 4
what is fartlek training ?
Card 5
what is interval training ?
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