5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings
- Created by: homer00
- Created on: 19-06-15 17:46
What are the three categories of a healthy, active lifestyle?
Physical, social and mental
1 of 50
What are the benefits of taking part in physical activity?
Enhances bodyshape, Increases fitness, Imporves performance, less likley to getinjered and imporves flexability
2 of 50
What are the reasons for taking part in physical activity?
cooperation, competition,physical challenge, aesthetic appreciation, the develpomentof friendships and social mixing.
3 of 50
What are the influences for taking part in sport?
People, image, culture and resources.
4 of 50
Give at least 2 examples of people as a key influence?
Peers,Family and role models
5 of 50
What diffrent opportunities are there to get invloved in soprt?
Coaching/leadership, officiating,
6 of 50
Name the 4 categories in the sports participation pyramid from bottem to top.
Foundation, Patricipation, performance and elite.
7 of 50
Define health
A state of complete mental, social and physical well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infermity.
8 of 50
Define fitness
The ability to meet the demands of your environment.
9 of 50
Define exercise
A formof physical activity which maintains or improves health and/or fitness.
10 of 50
Define performance
How well a task is completed
11 of 50
What are the 5 componants of health-related exercise?
Cardiovascular fitness, Muscular strength, Muscular endurance, flexability and body composition.
12 of 50
What are the 6 components of skill-related fitness?
Agility, balance, co-ordintion, power, reaction time and speed
13 of 50
How do you know if someone's ready to take part in sport?
Doing a PAR-Q questionaire
14 of 50
What are the 10 tests for assessing fitness levels?
1-12 minute run, handgrip test, no of sit ups in 30 seconds, sit and reach test, illionois test, stork stand test, standing long jump test, ruerreaction test, 30 metre sprint.
15 of 50
what are the principles of training?
Progressive overload, specificity, individual needs and rest and recovery
16 of 50
What are the values of goal setting?
Increased motivation, focus and standard. Improved monitoring of progress, planning of training sessions due to focus.
17 of 50
What are SMART targets
Sppecific, Measurable, Achieveable Realistic, Timebound
18 of 50
What is the FITT principle?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type.
19 of 50
Define Reversibility
Anyadaptation that takes place as a consequence of training will be reversed whn you stop training.
20 of 50
What are the 6 methods of training?
Interval, Continuous, Fartlek, Circuit, Weight and cross training
21 of 50
Name the exercise session
Warm-up, Main activity and cool down,
22 of 50
What does aerobic mean?
With oxygen-low intensity and can be done for a long time
23 of 50
What does anaerobic mean?
Without oxygen- high intensity and can be done for a short time
24 of 50
What are the advantages to balanced diet?
It provides energy, repaires damaged tissue, helps the body grow, contributes to good health in gerneral.
25 of 50
What's thelink between exercise,diet, work and rest?
a good diet means a good amount of calorie intake this provides body with enough energy. A balanced diet, work and rest prevents heart disease, high blood pressure, stress, stroke, high cholesterol, obesity/anorexia
26 of 50
Name the 3 somatotypes
Mesomorph, Ectomorph and endomorph
27 of 50
Describe a mesmorph?
Low levles of fat, builds muscle easy, solid build, wide shoulders and narrow hips.
28 of 50
Describe an ectomorph?
Long, thin frame, narrow shoulders and hips, slim build, doesn't build muscle easy, doesn'tstore fat easy.
29 of 50
Describe an endomorph?
Wide hips, narrow shoulders, has a tendency to store fat
30 of 50
How would height affect optimim weight?
Taller people are normally (not always)heavier than short people.
31 of 50
How would gender affect optimim weight?
Men and women have diffrent body composition, men tend to have larger bones.
32 of 50
Define the term- Amorexia
When people refuse to eat due to wanting to lose weight. It can rsult in fatigue, dizziness, dehydration, musculr atrophy, death.
33 of 50
Define the term-Underweight
Not weighing as much as expected for your height nd gender.
34 of 50
Define the term-Overwieght
You weigh more than expected for your height and gender
35 of 50
Define the term-Overfat
You have more body fat than you should have
36 of 50
Name the performance enhancing drugs
Diuretics, Peptide hormones, Narcotic,Beta blockers, Steroids, Stimulants
37 of 50
What risks do you need to consider before doing sport?
Frequnecy, Severity and how you canavoid the risk.
38 of 50
What 3 parts is the Cardio Vascular system made up of?
Blood, Blood vessels and the heart.
39 of 50
What are the effects of regular exercise on the CV system?
Heart muscle increases in size and strength,.cardiac output increases. Cardiac means relating to the heart so this is the amount of blood that the heart pumps out to the body.
40 of 50
What are the Immediate effects of the CV system when first exercising
Heart rate increases, mor blood pumed from the hertin each beat, blood is moved directly to the muscles, blood temperature rises,blood vessels ear theskin open to reduce heat.
41 of 50
Describe respiration
Air is warmed as it travels through the mouth and nose. It passes through one of two bronchi into one lung. After passing into the bronchioles, it gets to tiny sacs called alveoli. This is where gas exchange happens.
42 of 50
What are the immediate effects of exercise on the respiatory system?
Increase in breathing. More air taken in within each breath.
43 of 50
What are the long term effects of exercise on the respiartory system
Stronger diaphram, more aveoli, increased oxygen into and carbon dioxide out of the body.
44 of 50
What are recreational drugs?
Alcohol and nicotine (to nme a few)
45 of 50
Name two types of muscle contractions
Isotonic and Isometric
46 of 50
What are the short term effects on Muscles?
Increase temperature, increase demand for oxygen, increased production of Carbon dioxide, muscle fatigue,increased productionf lactic acid.
47 of 50
What are the benefits to Increased bone density/stronger bones?
Reduced chance of osteoporosis, betterposture, reduced chance of fractures
48 of 50
What are the benefits to stronger ligaments and tendons?
Better support of joints therefore you'remore stable.
49 of 50
Name the types of fracture?
Compound/open, simple,greenstick, stress fractures.
50 of 50
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the benefits of taking part in physical activity?
Enhances bodyshape, Increases fitness, Imporves performance, less likley to getinjered and imporves flexability
Card 3
What are the reasons for taking part in physical activity?

Card 4
What are the influences for taking part in sport?

Card 5
Give at least 2 examples of people as a key influence?

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