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6. What is the first region of the vertebrae
- coccyx
- Cervical
- sacrum
- thoracic
7. Horizontal and transverse plane is are the...?
- Superior and inferior sections
- anterior and posterior sections
8. Ligaments connect muscle to bone. Yes or no?
9. What is the formula for cardiac output?
- Q=SV x HR
- Q = HV x SR
- Q = SV - HR
10. When exercise intensity rate increases, the heart rate also increases. Yes or no?
11. Pivot join is...
- a joint that a bone rotates around another bone.
- a joint that allows movement in only one plane direction.
12. Lateral means?
- Away from midline
- Closer to midline
13. What are the 4 Chambers of the heart?
- Right atrium, Left Atrium, Right ventricle, Left ventricle
- idk.
- Aorta, vena cava, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artory
- Right atrium, left ventricle, aorta, vena cava