Pe 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationAllGCSEAQA Created by: JackAston_Created on: 09-05-18 19:37 Functions of a skeleton: Support, Movement, protection, mineral storage and points for attachment Joints: Formed where two bones meet 1 of 18 Ligaments: attach bone to bone Tendon: attach muscle to bone 2 of 18 Isotonic: Muscles gets smaller when contracting Isometric: muscle stays the sameness length when contracting 3 of 18 Arteries: carry blood away from the heart Veins: Carry blood to the heart 4 of 18 Functions of the cardiovascular syestem: Delivers oxygen and nutrients, remove waste products, protection from disease and maintain body temperature Cardiac output: volume of blood pumped at the heart per minute 5 of 18 Stroke volume: amount of blood pumped each pump Cardiac output equation: stroke volume x heart rate 6 of 18 Adaptions of the alveoli: large surface area, thin walls and good blood supply Anaerobic equation: glucose=energy+lactic acid 7 of 18 EPOC: excess post excercise oxygen consumption Aerobic equation: glucose + oxygen=energy+ water + carbon dioxide 8 of 18 Cardiac hypertrophy: ventricle walls get bigger and thicker through excercise Levers: formed from bones, joints and muscles 9 of 18 Lever 2: effort, load, fulcrum Lever 3: fulcrum, effort, load 10 of 18 Health: complete physical, mental and social wellbeing Fitness: the ability to meet the demands of the environment 11 of 18 Excercise: a form of physical activity done to improve health or fitness Max heart rate= 220-age 12 of 18 Anabolic agents: improve strength and reduce recovery time EPOs: boost cardiovascular fitness as it makes the body make more red blood cells 13 of 18 Diuretics: masks other drugs Stimulants: increase alertness 14 of 18 Began blockers: keeps the heart rate steady to reduce muscle tension Sportsmanship: playing inside the rules and following unwritten rules 15 of 18 Etiquette: unwritten rules Gamesmanship: bending the rules to gain an advantage 16 of 18 Sedentary lifestyles: irregular or little excercise Information processing: input, decision, output, feedback 17 of 18 Simple carbs: break down fast for immediate energy Complex carbs: release date slowly and less likely to be stored as fat 18 of 18
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