Tidal Volume
The volume of air that is inspired and expired per breath
1 of 14
Lactic Acid
Produced during anaerobic exercise as a waste product
2 of 14
Lactate Accumilation
Process when the concentration of lactic acid in the blood build up
3 of 14
Cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped out of the heart each minute
4 of 14
An involuntary and sustained contraction of the muscle which occurs due to the fatigue and causes pain within muscle
5 of 14
Breathing depth
The fullness of each respiratory breath
6 of 14
the evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin which provides a cooling effect on the body
7 of 14
Blood redistribution
Process where blood is diverted from certain areas of the body towards tissues which require more oxygen immediately
8 of 14
Process were blood vessels become wider to increase the blood flow to the tissues that they supply
9 of 14
The point where a continuous increase begins to level off
10 of 14
Stroke volume
The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each heart beat
11 of 14
Anticipatory rise
An increase in the heart rate, occurs before physical exercise in order to ready the body for physical activity
12 of 14
Oxygen debt
The negative difference between the amount of oxygen available and the energy demands of physical activity
13 of 14
Minute ventilation
The amount of oxygen + other gases inhaled/exhaled each minute
14 of 14

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Card 2


Produced during anaerobic exercise as a waste product


Lactic Acid

Card 3


Process when the concentration of lactic acid in the blood build up


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Card 4


The amount of blood pumped out of the heart each minute


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Card 5


An involuntary and sustained contraction of the muscle which occurs due to the fatigue and causes pain within muscle


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Dear maker of this crossword, i have just completed the answer to 4 down and realized that the answer you have put in is incorrect as vasoconstriction is where the blood vessels get narrower and vasodilation is where the blood vessels get wider.

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