PE 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationAcquiring movement skillsAnatomy & physiologySocio-cultural studiesASOCR Created by: BeckyHulmeCreated on: 16-05-17 15:17 stage of learning that practise through trial and error cognitive 1 of 15 chemoreceptors are located in the ... carotidartery 2 of 15 unfair tretment of certain groups in society discrimination 3 of 15 a type of feedback that is received after the movement has been completed and is in extrinsic feedback terminal 4 of 15 external respiration takes place where alveoli 5 of 15 the relationship between sport, media and sponsorship in the USA goldentriangle 6 of 15 the weakening of the bones caused by a reduction in bone density making them prone to fracture osteoporosis 7 of 15 a skill practised repeatedly in the same environment fixed 8 of 15 the native people of Austraia bushculture 9 of 15 the cognitive theory of learning involves what? problemsolving 10 of 15 gorss body coordination is what type of ability? grossmotor 11 of 15 speed of movement is what type of ability? psychomotor 12 of 15 what is the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle known as? systole 13 of 15 the shaft/middle part of a long bone diaphysis 14 of 15 your age, body temperature and the limbs used can affect this reactiontime 15 of 15
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