Patterns In Crime - Key terms 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelAQA Created by: SmileyeammCreated on: 18-03-16 21:28 Police Recorded Crime Official statistics that show the number of crimes that have been reported to the police 1 of 8 British Crime Survey A systematic victim study, carried out on behalf of the home office 2 of 8 Official statistics Quantitative data created by governing bodies and institutions 3 of 8 Repeat Victimisation Where people are victims of the same crime more than once 4 of 8 Self Report Studies A survey in which respondents state any crimes they have been personally involved in 5 of 8 Dark Figure of Crime The amount of unreported or undiscovered crime 6 of 8 Social construction A constructed understanding of the world around us 7 of 8 victim surveys Surveys to see who has been a victim of what crimes 8 of 8
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