Pastoral Poetry
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- Created by: Ashleigh Charlton
- Created on: 24-05-15 11:23
Who wrote Paradise Lost ?
John Milton
1 of 91
'Humid Flowers that b breathed their morning incense'
2 of 91
'Pleasant task'
3 of 91
'Labour grows luxurious by restraint'
4 of 91
'Tending to wild'
5 of 91
'God hath assigned us'
6 of 91
'Labour as to debar us when we need refreshment' -who says this ?
7 of 91
'Solitude sometimes is best society'
8 of 91
'Sly assault'
9 of 91
'Conjugal love'
10 of 91
'shades thee' -who is protecting who ?
PARADISE LOST - Adam protecting Eve
11 of 91
'her husband...who guards her,or with the worst endures'
12 of 91
What poem did Thomas Gray write?
Elegy written in a country church yard
13 of 91
'Knell of parting day'
Elegy written in a country churchyard
14 of 91
'lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea'
Elegy written in a country church yard
15 of 91
'leaves the world to darkness and to me'
Elegy written in a country church yard
16 of 91
'solemn stillness'
Elegy written in a country church yard
17 of 91
'drowsy tinklings'
Elegy written in a country church yard
18 of 91
'ivy mantled tower'
Elegy written in a country church yard
19 of 91
Quote an animal in Elegy written in a country church yard...
'Mopeing owl'
20 of 91
Who has a 'solitary reign' also what poem?
The owl in Elegy written in a country churchyard
21 of 91
'Each in his narrow cell forever laid'
Elegy written in a country church yard
22 of 91
'Rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep'
Elegy written in a country church yard
23 of 91
'No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed'
Elegy written in a country church yard
24 of 91
'Let not ambition mock their useful toil'
Elegy written in a country church yard
25 of 91
'destiny obscure'
Elegy written in a country church yard
26 of 91
'Short and simple annals of the poor'
Elegy written in a country church yard
27 of 91
'pomp of pow'r'
Elegy written in a country church yard
28 of 91
'inevitable hour'
Elegy written in a country church yard
29 of 91
'Paths of glory lead but to the grave'
Elegy written in a country church yard
30 of 91
'neglected spot'
Elegy written in a country church yard
31 of 91
'Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife'
Elegy written in a country church yard
32 of 91
'The voice of nature cries'
Elegy written in a country church yard
33 of 91
Who wrote 'ode to Evening' ?
William Collins
34 of 91
'Beetle winds his small but sullen horn'
Ode to Evening
35 of 91
'His play circlet' - What is this talking about?
Ode to Evening
36 of 91
'pensive pleasures sweet'
Ode to Evening
37 of 91
'dewy fingers draw the gradual dusky veil' - veil of what?
The veil of night - Ode to Evening
38 of 91
'elves who slept in flowers the day'
Ode to Evening
39 of 91
'Sallow autumn fills thy lap with leaves'
Ode to Evening
40 of 91
'spring shall pour his show'rs'
Ode to Evening
41 of 91
Who wrote 'The deserted Village'?
Oliver Goldsmith
42 of 91
'Where health and plenty cheered the laboring swain'
The deserted village
43 of 91
'Dear lovely bowers of innocence and ease'
The deserted village
44 of 91
'smiling spring'
The deserted village
45 of 91
'I loitered on the o'er thy green...I paused on every charm'
The deserted village
46 of 91
'I blest the coming day'
The deserted village
47 of 91
'Whispering lovers'
The deserted village
48 of 91
'many a pastime circled in the shade'
The deserted village
49 of 91
'dancing pair'
The deserted village
50 of 91
'mistrustless of his smutted face'
The deserted village
51 of 91
'Bashful virgin's side long looks of love'
The deserted village
52 of 91
How does Goldsmith creat a sudden chnage of tone in hinting towards lust within the village?
Lack of rhyme-The deserted village
53 of 91
'These were thy charms-but now these charms are fled'
The deserted village
54 of 91
'Amidst thy bowers the tyrants hand is seen'
The deserted village
55 of 91
'desolation saddens all thy green'
The deserted village
56 of 91
'choaked with sedge's,works it's weedy way'
The deserted village
57 of 91
'spoilers hand'
The deserted village
58 of 91
What happens to the 'Bold peasantry'? What poem is this mentioned?
they are 'Destroyed' - The deserted village
59 of 91
'England's griefs began'
The deserted village
60 of 91
'Labour spread her wholesome store'
The deserted village
61 of 91
'Just gave what life required but gave no more'
The deserted village
62 of 91
'His best companions innocence and health and his best riches,ignorance and health'
The deserted village
63 of 91
'Rememberance wakes with all her busy train, swells at my breast, and turns the past to pain'
The deserted village
64 of 91
'In all my grief -and God has given my share'
The deserted village
65 of 91
'Pride attends us still'- Who's pride is this
Pride of the peasants- The deserted village.
66 of 91
'Book learned skill'
The deserted village
67 of 91
'Youth of labour'
The deserted village
68 of 91
'Heaven commences ere the world be past'
The deserted village
69 of 91
What two people are described in the deserted village?
The Parson and the School Master
70 of 91
How is the parson described in the deserted village?
a 'Pious man' The deserted village
71 of 91
Who does the Parson help in the deserted village ?
'The broken soldier' The deserted village
72 of 91
'The village all declared how much he knew' - Who is this talking about?
The school master The deserted village
73 of 91
'The man of wealth and pride,takes up a space that many poor supplied'
Tintern Abbey
74 of 91
'A garden, and a grave'
Tintern Abbey
75 of 91
'Poisonous fields'
Tintern Abbey
76 of 91
'Blazing suns'
Tintern Abbey
77 of 91
'rattling terrors of the vengeful snake'
Tintern Abbey
78 of 91
'faithful love'
Tintern Abbey
79 of 91
What poem did William Wordsworth write?
Tintern Abbey
80 of 91
'Five years have passed'
Tintern Abbey
81 of 91
'Wild secluded scene'
Tintern Abbey
82 of 91
What is the present setting of Tintern Abbey?
'Here, under a dark sycamore' Tintern Abbey
83 of 91
'My purer mind'
Tintern Abbey
84 of 91
'Become a living soul'
Tintern Abbey
85 of 91
'I bounded o;er the mountains'
Tintern Abbey
86 of 91
Nature is 'an appetite;a feeling and a love'
Tintern Abbey
87 of 91
'-That time is passed'
Tintern Abbey
88 of 91
'The anchor of my purest thoughts,the nurse,the guide,the guardian of my heart, and soul of my moral being'
Tintern Abbey
89 of 91
'Nature never did betray'
Tintern Abbey
90 of 91
'That after my wanderings,many years of absence...this green pastoral landscape,were to me more dear'
Tintern Abbey
91 of 91
Other cards in this set
Card 2
'Humid Flowers that b breathed their morning incense'
Card 3

Card 4

Card 5

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