Particles 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: darinebarahmeh@gmail.comCreated on: 29-05-18 13:41 To calculate volume when given the density do you divide or times? Divide the volume by the density 1 of 26 Which SOM has a definite shape and a definite volume? Solid 2 of 26 Which SOM has the least energy in it and which SOM has the most energy in it? Most=Gas/Least=Solid 3 of 26 What wrod means "to get smaller" and which word means "to get bigger"? Smaller=contract/Bigger=expand 4 of 26 To work out the density of something when the mass is known, do you divide or times? Times the density by the mass 5 of 26 To calculate the density when the mass and the volume is known,do you times or divide? Divide the mass by the volume 6 of 26 To calculate the mass when given the density,do you divide or times? Times the density by the mass 7 of 26 Can a liquid be compressed? No 8 of 26 The random motion of particles in a liquid or gas is known as what type of motion? Brownian motion 9 of 26 What is diffusion? When atoms move from high concentration to low concentraition 10 of 26 What is a mixture made up of? Two or more elements/substances which are not joined together 11 of 26 What are elements? Simple substances made up of only one kind of atom 12 of 26 What is a compound? More than one element chemically combined together 13 of 26 What is Thermal Decomposition? Breaking down a single compound using heat 14 of 26 What does Thermal Decomposition do? Extracts metals 15 of 26 What are metals and non-metals? Compounds 16 of 26 Properties of metals are? Stronmg and flexible,Shiny,Good conductors of electricity and heat,High melting point in solids 17 of 26 Properties of non metals are? Low melting points in all SOM's ,Brittle,Not shiny,Poor conductors of heat and electricity 18 of 26 State some metals. Copper, Gold,Aluminium. note that Mercury is the only liquid metal 19 of 26 State some non metals Sulfur,Carbon,Oxygen,Nitrogen 20 of 26 Signs of chemical reactions Colour change,Gas been given off,Solid forming into a liquid,Energy change 21 of 26 How do chemical reactions start? Mixing the right substances together,Heat is used to start a reaction and sometimes many reactions give off heat,Continuous supply of energy 22 of 26 If there is a metal in the compound what happens,also if there are two elements the ending changes to what? It will come first and the ending changes to ide 23 of 26 If there are two elements and oxygen then the ending changes to what? Ate 24 of 26 Definition of Pure Containing one substance 25 of 26 How many elements are there on the periodic table? 118 elements and 90 natural elements 26 of 26
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