Particle Physics

  • Created by: aduguid
  • Created on: 26-02-16 15:48
what are the charges of a proton/electron in coulombs?
+/- 1.6x10^-19
1 of 55
what is the mass of a neutron in kg?
1.67x10^-27 same as a proton
2 of 55
what is the mass of an electron in kg?
3 of 55
what is the relative mass of an electron?
4 of 55
what is specific charge?
charge per unit of mass
5 of 55
what is a nucleon?
a proton or neutron in the nucleus
6 of 55
what is the nucleon number?
number of protons and neutrons in an element (mass number)
7 of 55
what are the symbols for proton number and nucleon number in nuclide notation?
proton number: Z nucleon number: A
8 of 55
what are the four fundamental forces?
strong, weak, gravitational, electromagnetic
9 of 55
what is the function of the strong nuclear force?
it works against the repulsive electrostatic force to hold the nucleus together.
10 of 55
what is the range of the strong force? what happens outside this range?
0.5fm-3fm. Below 0.5 it is repulsive. Above 3 the strength falls quickly
11 of 55
What happens when an aplha particle is emitted?
proton number decreases by two, nucleon number decreases by four
12 of 55
What happens when a beta particle is emitted?
proton number increases by one and nucleon number stays the same.
13 of 55
Why is a neutrino emitted during beta decay?
to account for conservation of energy. It carries away some energy and momentum
14 of 55
what is an antiparticle?
a subatomic particle with the same mass as a given particle but opposite charge. Every particle has a corresponding antiparticle.
15 of 55
what are the antiparticles of the electron, proton, neutron and neutrino respectively?
positron, antiproton, antineutron, antineutrino
16 of 55
what is the rest energy of a proton/antiproton
17 of 55
what is the rest energy of a neutron/antineutron
18 of 55
what is the rest energy of an electron/positron
19 of 55
what is the equation for energy of a photon?
20 of 55
what is the planck constant?
6.63x10^-34 Joules
21 of 55
what is pair production? what is the minimum energy involved?
when a photon is converted into a particle of matter and a particle of antimatter. E(min)=hf(min)=2E0
22 of 55
What is annihilation? What is the minimum energy involved?
when a particle meets its antiparticle and they get converted into two photons. E(min)=hf(min)=E0
23 of 55
How do you convert from MeV to Joules
times by 1.6x10^-19
24 of 55
What are gauge bosons?
virtual exchange particles which cause forces to attract/repel elementary particles
25 of 55
What is the gauge boson for the electromagnetic force?
virtual photon(γ)
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What is the gauge boson for the weak interaction?
W+ bosons/W- bosons
27 of 55
What happens in electron capture?
a proton collides with an electron. The proton release a W+ boson and turns into a neutron. The W+ boson converts the electron to a neutrino
28 of 55
What happens in an electron-proton collision?
the electron releases a W- boson and turns into a neutrino. The W- boson converts the proton to a neutron
29 of 55
what is the equation of beta minus decay? What is the exchange particle?
n -> p + e- + νe(antineutrino) W- boson
30 of 55
what is the equation of beta minus decay? What is the exchange particle?
p -> n + e+ + ve(neutrino) W+ boson
31 of 55
Which particles are subject to the strong interaction?
32 of 55
What are the two classes of hadrons?
baryons(and antibaryons) and mesons
33 of 55
What particles come under baryons?
proton neutron antiproton antineutron
34 of 55
What eventually happens to all baryons and why?
They eventually decay into protons as they are the only stable baryon
35 of 55
What particles come under mesons?
kaon and pion
36 of 55
Give a property of the kaon
It can decay into pions
37 of 55
What is the quantum number for baryons? What happens to the baryon number in a reaction?
the baryon number. It is +1 for matter and -1 for antimatter. The total baryon number in any particle interaction is conserved.
38 of 55
Which particles are subject to the weak interaction?
39 of 55
Name all the leptons
electron, muon, electron neutrino, muon neutrino and their anti particles
40 of 55
What do muons become when they decay?
41 of 55
What is the lepton number?
the number of leptons. There are two types - electron and muon. These are +1 for matter and -1 for antimatter. This number is conserved in particle interactions.
42 of 55
What are strange particles?
particles that are produced through the strong interactions but decay through the weak interactions.
43 of 55
Why are strange particles produced in pairs (matter and antimatter)?
because strangeness is conserved through strong interactions
44 of 55
What happens to strangeness in weak interactions?
it changes by 0, +1 or -1
45 of 55
Name the 3 quarks and their baryon number
up, down and strange +1/3
46 of 55
What is the charge and strangeness of the up quark?
charge: +2/3 strangeness: 0
47 of 55
what is the charge and strangeness of the strange quark
charge: -1/3 (same as down quark) strangeness: -1
48 of 55
what is the strangeness of the down particle?
49 of 55
which quark has a strangeness of +1
50 of 55
Ho many quarks in a baryon?
51 of 55
What are measons made up of?
a quark and antiquark
52 of 55
which quarks are in a pion? which quarks are in a kaon?
pion: up, down, anti up and anti down kaon: all these plus strange and antistrange as kaons have a strangeness.
53 of 55
what happens to quarks during the decay of a neutron?
a down quark get changed into an up quark. This happens via the weak interaction
54 of 55
What four properties are conserved in particle interactions?
charge, baryon number, strangeness(strong force only), leptons(electron and muon number separately)
55 of 55

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the mass of a neutron in kg?


1.67x10^-27 same as a proton

Card 3


what is the mass of an electron in kg?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the relative mass of an electron?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is specific charge?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




Nice resource :) But for Q.24 ; the conversion should be 1.6 x10^-13 as Mev is mega (x106) electronvolts 



31 0f 55 should be beta plus decay.









slide 21, the unit of Planck's constant is Joule seconds



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