
traditionally what is the main function of Parliament?
raising taxes and passing subsidies
1 of 28
How many times did Elizabeth ask for a subsidy?
2 of 28
What did the Royal Prerogative cover?
Foreign Policy, Religion, the Queen's spending and income, Succession and marriage
3 of 28
How many times did Elizabeth use her veto solely due to her own wishes?
4 of 28
How many times did Elizabeth use her veto due to flaws in drafting?
5 of 28
Elizabeth could use her veto if she felt bills could risk the public, how often did this happen?
6 of 28
Elizabeth used speeches as a method of control, when was her famous golden speech and what did she say?
1601: "there is no Prince who loves his subjects better"
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what proportion of seats in the House of Commons were controlled by the House of Lords?
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How many seats did Essex control in the 1580s?
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The commons grew in this period, by how much?
400 seats to 462 seats
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the enfranchisement of the boroughs led to what?
an increasing amount of trained gentry sitting in Parliament
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Robert Bell was speaker from when
12 of 28
The Queen had the power to prorogue Parliament - when was the longest period she prorogued for
13 of 28
Why did the Queen Prorogue Parliament in 1576?
Elizabeth was forced to accept a well worded petition on the succession
14 of 28
Neale pointed out a group known as the Puritan choir - how many members did it contain?
15 of 28
Parliament did attempt to use the subsidy as a political tool - when
1567 (Elizabeth remitted 1/3) and 1586
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Which Historians pioneered the idea the Parliament was controlled by the Privy Council
John Guy and Patrick Collinson - Post Revisionists
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Who argued that Elizabeth never thought about not having Parliament?
revisionist and post revisionist
18 of 28
When was Copes Book and Bill introduced?
19 of 28
When did Walsingham try to organise a conference with bishops after failing to get Whitgift's suspensions lifted through Parliament?
20 of 28
What did Dr Turner try to introduce in 1584 which was so controversial
a revised Prayer Book and Genevan Service
21 of 28
petitions asking for the queen to allow the debate of the succession (organised by the Privy Council) were introduced when?
1566 and 1567
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Parliament tried to use public pressure to influence the queen when was this seen?
1586 Huge petitions to replace the Prayer Book with the Book of Discipline
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When did Wentworth speak out about freedom of speech
1567, 1571, 1576 and 1586
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In 1571 Wentworth spoke on the common's privilege - what happened?
was stopped midflow and sent to the tower by the commons
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William Strickland was arrested in 1571 - why
impinging on the royal prerogative (wanted to reform the canon law and prayer book)
26 of 28
which was the shortest parliamentary session?
27 of 28
What is often seen as Parliaments greatest success?
getting Elizabeth to sign Norfolk death warrant in 1572
28 of 28

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Card 2


How many times did Elizabeth ask for a subsidy?



Card 3


What did the Royal Prerogative cover?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many times did Elizabeth use her veto solely due to her own wishes?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many times did Elizabeth use her veto due to flaws in drafting?


Preview of the front of card 5
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