Parliament Sovereignty 0.0 / 5 ? Lawpublic lawUniversityNone Created by: lclif97Created on: 12-12-16 14:40 10234596718 Across 1. A limitation on Parliamentary Sovereignty is ... (10) 4. Parliament can regulate... anywhere (3, 4) 5. laws passed by Parliament cannot be judged by the... (6) 6. Parliament cannot bind... (9) 8. He gave the defintion for Parliamentary Sovereignty and the four main aspects of it (5) 10. When an earlier Act of Parliament contradicts a later Act of Parliament, the latter takes precedent. This is known as (7, 6) Down 2. A limitation on Parliamentary Sovereignty is ... (8, 5) 3. When an Act of Parliament has a specific prodecure expressed for its repeal, this is known as (9, 6) 7. Parliament can make law on any... (7) 9. A limitation on Parliamentary Sovereignty is ... (5, 6, 3)
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