Parliament Knowledge Quiz 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? Government & PoliticsParliamentASEdexcel Created by: jensameraCreated on: 17-05-17 20:17 What is meant by Bicameralism Where there are two houses of the legislature or parliament which compliment eachother 1 of 13 How many representatives are there in the HOC 650 2 of 13 How many part time unpaid representatives are there in the HOL 760 3 of 13 How many religious peers are there in the HOL 26 4 of 13 What is a Parliamentary Government When the government is drawn from parliament and is accountable to parliament 5 of 13 What is a key feature of parliamentary government? Fusion of powers 6 of 13 What is the definition of Presidential Government A president with a separate source of authority from that of the legislature 7 of 13 What is the Salisbury Convention? Any proposed legislation featured in a governments manifesto may not be blocked by the HOL 8 of 13 How many departmental select committees are there 19 9 of 13 What was the 1999 HOL Act? Removal of 92 hereditary peers 10 of 13 What was the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 Established Supreme Court as highest appeal court in the UK 11 of 13 What is the Fixed Term Parliament Act 2011? General elections are to be held every 5 years after a fixed 5 year term in office 12 of 13 What is the Liaison committee, estb 2002 PM answers questions from this committee 2x a year 13 of 13