When an insulating Material rubs another insulating material and becomes charged due to transfer of electrons
1 of 11
How do you redcie the dangers of statice Electricity?
Earth appliances, Use insulating mats, Wear insulating shoes
2 of 11
How do Defibrillators work?
2 charged paddles are charged & put on patients chest. Defibrillator discharges into patient & makes Heart contract
3 of 11
How do Dust Precipitators work?
Metal plates are installed in Chimney & connected to high volatage. Dust passes through grid & is charged. Dust paritcles are attracted to negative plates.
4 of 11
How can you use Electrostatics to paint cars?
1. Paint gun is - charged. 2. Paint particles become - charged so they repel away from each other. 3. Panel/ car is + charged. 4. Paint is attracted to panel & spreads evenly. Panel becomes neutral.
5 of 11
How do electrons flow around a curcuit?
Electrons flow from negative to positive Electrode
6 of 11
What is a 'fixed resistor'?
A compenent with constant resistance.
7 of 11
How is current is proportional to voltage?
AS current increases, voltage increases
8 of 11
What are the roles of the brown, blue and Green & yellow wires in a plug?
Brown= Live wire, carries current. Blue= Neutral, carries current away. Green= SAftey wire, stops live appliance
9 of 11
What is a fuse & how does it work?
Used to prevent appliances from overheating. If the fuse becomes too hot it melts or breaks
10 of 11
Why must the current of an appliance be slightly higher than the appliance itself?
So that the fuse doesn't break when the appliance is at normal current.
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
How do you redcie the dangers of statice Electricity?
Earth appliances, Use insulating mats, Wear insulating shoes
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