P3 Topic 6 - Medical Physics Edexcel360 Science 3.0 / 5 based on 6 ratings ? PhysicsMedical PhysicsGCSEAll boards Created by: HamzaCreated on: 07-05-11 17:51 Where do you put the pulse oximeter ? A finger or Ear Lobe 1 of 15 What Happens when the Angle of Incidence is LESS than the critical Angle ? Most of the light passes out and a little is Internally Reflected 2 of 15 Electrocardiographs measure the what of the heart Action Potential 3 of 15 Muscle Cells can Generate Potential Diffrence 4 of 15 The first little blip on a Electrocardiographs means ? Contraction of the Atria 5 of 15 what do you use to hit a U - 235 in nuclear bombardment ? neutron 6 of 15 Momentum is Mass X Velocity Squared ? False 7 of 15 Is there total internal reflection and no light passing out when.... The angle of incidence is Greater than the Critical Angle 8 of 15 Pet Scans involve ? positron/electron annihilation 9 of 15 When a Positron Meets an electron they... Make two gamma rays and annihilate each toher 10 of 15 Optical Fibres can carry what ? Pulses of light or Infared radiation 11 of 15 A Simpleton's Guide to Science... Which on made you smile.. This doesnt help my exmas.... 12 of 15 Pulse Oximeters use light for ? To check the Percentage of Oxygen in the blood. 13 of 15 Who uses an Endoscope ? A surgeon 14 of 15 BMR is... Basalmetabolicrate 15 of 15