Which type of radiation on the electromangnetic spectrum has the highest frequency?
Gamma Rays
1 of 20
Which type of radiation on the electromangnetic spectrum has the lowest frequency?
Radio Waves
2 of 20
What is a source?
An object that emits radiation
3 of 20
When EM radiation is emitted it can either be..
Transmitted, Reflected, Absorbed
4 of 20
What does EM radiation transfer (hint: not matter)
5 of 20
What does the amount of energy carried by a photon depend on?
The frequency of the radiation
6 of 20
How is energy carried by EM radiation delivered?
In small 'packets' of energy known as photons
7 of 20
What is the intensity of a beam of EM radiation?
How much energy is delivered per square metre per second
8 of 20
What are the types of ionising radiation?
UV, Xrays, Gamma
9 of 20
Why is ionisation dangerous if it occurs in your cells?
It can cause uncontrolled cell division and cancerous mutations
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How do radiographers protect themselves from xrays?
They wear lead aprons which absorb xrays
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What sort of radiation is used in conventional cookers?
12 of 20
How do microwaves cook food?
The energy is absorbed by the water molecules thus heating the food
13 of 20
Name three greenhouse gases
Methane, CO2, Water Vapour
14 of 20
How is ozone made in the atmosphere
UV radiation splits an ordinary oxgyen molecule O2 into too oxgyen atoms. One of these oxygen atoms combines with another O2 molecule to form an ozone molecule O3
15 of 20
How is CO2 returned to the atmosphere in the carbon cycle?
16 of 20
What is Global Warming?
The earths average temperature is increasing due to an increase in greenhouse gases which trap heat in the atmosphere
17 of 20
What are 3 possible consequences of global warming?
Extreme weather, Rising sea levels, Drought and desertification
18 of 20
Why are radio waves good at transmitting information over long distances?
They are not strongly absorbed by the atmosphere
19 of 20
What advantages do digital signals have over analogue signals?
Digital signals are better quality as the data they carry is discrete and does not vary like analogue signals
20 of 20
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which type of radiation on the electromangnetic spectrum has the lowest frequency?
Radio Waves
Card 3
What is a source?
Card 4
When EM radiation is emitted it can either be..
Card 5
What does EM radiation transfer (hint: not matter)
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