P1 - Energy: Heat Radiation 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsEnergyGCSEAQA Created by: 12holdingrepgCreated on: 21-03-17 08:39 The form of heat transfer in gases and liquids. Convection 1 of 15 The form of heat transfer created by the sun. Radiation 2 of 15 The form of heat transfer in solids. Conduction 3 of 15 Black, matt objects are better at ... Absorption 4 of 15 The hotter an object is, the more radiation it radiates in a given ... Time 5 of 15 All objects are continually ... and absorbing infrared radiation Emitting 6 of 15 The bigger the tempereature difference between a body and its surroundings, the ...energy is being transferred by heating. Faster 7 of 15 Solar hot water panels contain water pipers under a ... surface. Black 8 of 15 Heat radiation is the transfer of heat energy by ... Infrared Radiation 9 of 15 Infrared radiation can be ... by solids, liquids and gases. Emitted 10 of 15 Infrared radiation is emitted from the ... of an object. Surface 11 of 15 Can infrared radiation happen at the same time as conduction and convection. Y 12 of 15 An object that's cooler than it's surroundings absorbs more radiations than it emits ... Warms up 13 of 15 Radiation from the ... is absorbed by the black surface to heat the water in pipes. Sun 14 of 15 The abreviation for infrared radiation IR 15 of 15
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