Ozone Layer 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryAtmosphereASOCR Created by: JadiiCreated on: 04-03-14 09:50 What is the surname of the American Engineer who discovered CFCs? Midgley 1 of 20 Highly reactive atoms, or groups of atoms, with unpaired electrons. Radicals 2 of 20 Certain atmospheric gases absorb ___________ radiaton strongly. Ultraviolet 3 of 20 What is the upper atmosphere called? Stratosphere 4 of 20 Are CFCs stable or unstable? Stable 5 of 20 What does CFC stand for? Chlorofluorocarbon 6 of 20 What is the surname of the American who discovered that the Ozone Layer was in trouble? Rowland 7 of 20 Where in the world is the Ozone hole over? Antartica 8 of 20 Other than Ozone, what other important molecule does Chlorine react with in the stratosphere? Methane 9 of 20 What is the abbreviation of the short term replacement of CFCs? HCFC 10 of 20 Was it a British or Austrailian scientist who discovered the 'hole' in the Ozone? British 11 of 20 What is the abbreivation for the long term solution to CFCs? HFC 12 of 20 In what part of the atmosphere can chlorine reservoirs be found? Stratosphere 13 of 20 _________ chloride is called a chlorine reservoir molecule. Hydrogen 14 of 20 The warming of the Earth by gases such as methane was called the __________ effect. Greenhouse 15 of 20 When things get hot, they send out ____________ radiation. Electromagnetic 16 of 20 The surface of the Sun has a temperature of about _______. 6000K 17 of 20 Chlorine reservoir molecules are __________ onto the surface of solid particles in polar stratopheric clouds. Adsorbed 18 of 20 HFCs will be phased out in developed countries by _____. 2020 19 of 20 A complete recovery of the Ozone layer is not expected until at least _____. 2060 20 of 20
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