Our World Flashcards 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesOur WorldGCSEAQA Created by: EmilyBartlettCreated on: 11-03-15 18:04 Creation To make something that is completely unique, out of nothing 1 of 7 Dominion Power over something with responsibility 2 of 7 Environment Is natural things around us which includes living and non living things 3 of 7 Humanity The whole human race. The way humans behave e.g. Morally, Ethically, show compation 4 of 7 Soul A non physical; invisible and spiritual elements of a human e.g. Atman 5 of 7 Literalist Believes the bible accounts are literally fact 6 of 7 Non- Literalist Believes the bible is myths that have important elements 7 of 7
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