Shakespearean tragedy tends to be characterized by this. It is the internal imperfection in the hero that brings about his downfall
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Death of the principle character
In Elizabethan practice Tragedy must end in a tremendous catastrophe involving this character
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Main focus
Shakespeare uses the fall of a notable person as the main focus in his tragedies
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Othello as a Tragic Hero
He is a TH because of his hubris (pride), self centered nature and gullibility
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The Main Character
is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow. Especially as a consequence of tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances
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This establishes setting, sets the tone and mood of the play, introduces key characters but not the tragic hero
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Pattern 1 of Shakespearean tragedies
Lack of control
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Pattern 2
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Pattern 3
Increasing urgency
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Pattern 4
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Pattern 5
Confrontation of the Hero
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Pattern 6
Realization of Tragic Flaw
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Pattern 7
Death of Hero
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Use of night time e.g. in A1 SC1, establishes the genre of tragedy as well as disorder and chaos
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Had a very rigid class structure and outsiders are demonized
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Iago's has class envy of Cassios' promotion by preferment
The commoners of an Elizabethan audience could relate to Iago and feel empathy as they know that people with status are more successful in society
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"an old black ram" pg9
Renaissance audience would not be shocked by the animalistic imagery. Fear of outsiders.
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Patriarchal context
in Renaissance period women were seen as possessions
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Domestic Vs Political Sphere
Shakespeare shows the public and private collide and chaos is the result
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How the play is (weird) atypical
The first black hero which departs from theatrical convention. Challenges cultural stereotypes of all black people being lustful, sinful savages
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How the play is atypical
Evil Iago lives! Typically the villain dies for CATHARSIS , so order can be restored
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She deviates from the audiences expectations of her
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The move to Cyprus
Cyprus is a chaotic country which foreshadows the chaos to come. This increases PATHOS (pity and fear) in Othello due to false hope
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Venice to Cyprus
Rational thought to chaos and disorder. Cyprus is hotter too=short tempered characters
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Women are objectified by men
this is a pattern of language. Links to The Fall; women are vilified due to Eve's lack of control
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Renaissance and Evil
To a Ren audience, you can physically see if someone is evil but Shakespeare subverts this as Iago's dishonesty is hidden
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View Othello with social prejudice
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Class structure is subverted
A typical convention of tragedy
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Were seen as unnatural, obsessed with sex, passionate and used magi
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Othello's ancestry
Is foregrounded as the audience will wonder what he will do next
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
In Elizabethan practice Tragedy must end in a tremendous catastrophe involving this character
Death of the principle character
Card 3
Shakespeare uses the fall of a notable person as the main focus in his tragedies
Card 4
He is a TH because of his hubris (pride), self centered nature and gullibility
Card 5
is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow. Especially as a consequence of tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances
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