Othello act 2 scene 3

  • Created by: Hanna Mc
  • Created on: 05-05-17 17:05
'she is sport for jove' - explain
Jove was the king of the Gods known for sexual prowess, indication that this is the only way Iago sees women
1 of 7
'Diablo, ho!' - EXPLAIN
Diablo is devil in spanish
2 of 7
Explain the repetition of Reputation
The abstract noun indicates disbelief
3 of 7
'speak' 'squabble ' swagger 'swear'
use of sibilance reminds us of the snake in the garden of eden - Iago who manipulates human kind to commit devilish deeds
4 of 7
Quote the words that make up the semantic field of bestial imagrey
'what remains is bestial' ' transform ourselves into beasts' 'as many mouths as hydra'
5 of 7
Explain Iagos description of Desdemona as 'fruitful'
Like the forbidden fruit, Othello is tempted into defying the laws of society by Desdemona and she will lead to his demise and that Iago is the snake
6 of 7
'turn her virtue into pitch' - Explain
Pitch is a black tar-like substance, she will blacken her innocence and corrupt her (also could be a racial reference)
7 of 7

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Card 2


'Diablo, ho!' - EXPLAIN


Diablo is devil in spanish

Card 3


Explain the repetition of Reputation


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


'speak' 'squabble ' swagger 'swear'


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Quote the words that make up the semantic field of bestial imagrey


Preview of the front of card 5
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