A spectrum of good fortune, opportunism, clever strategy and the ability to arouse religious passion
1 of 19
How did the failure of the second crusade inspire Nur al Din?
It inspired him to take Jihad at full force to the Franks (although remember he didn't officially turn to Jihad until 1163), leading to the battle of Inab 1149 (kills Raymond of Antioch, sends head to Caliph of Baghdad)
2 of 19
Why did Saladin need Nur al Din?
Saladin's triumph would've been impossible without his spiritual, social and military strength which brought religious and noble classes of Muslims together.
3 of 19
What did Nur al din build in 1150?
A madrasa in Aleppo.
4 of 19
What year did Nur al Din get control of Damascus?
He'd married the governor's daughter in 1146, however in 1154 he blockaded the city, reminded the inhabitants of moral messages, military threats and forced them to open gates. He got mosul 1149.
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What did Nur al Din construct in 1169?
A minbar for the al-aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. This showed his intent of taking the holy city but he still spent 28 years fighting fellow Muslims.
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When did Nur al Din take Egypt?
1169. Amalric I had made 5 campaigns into Egypt before this, however a disastrous invasion in 68 forced the Franks to retreat the next year, leaving the door open for Nur al Din.
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How did Saladin use Nur al Din's invasion of Egypt to get control?
In 1169 his uncle, Shirkuh died, Saladin takes his place as Vizier. As a regular Turkish family the Saladin's used the collapse of the Fatimid Dynasty to gain control - crushing the Fatimid Dynasty itself 1170s.
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Why did Nur al Din become hostile to Saladin?
Both men had previously been close over their love of Polo. However, in 1171 Nur al Din summoned Saladin to the siege of Kerak in Transjordan. Saladin refused, angering Nur al Din and leading him to be wary of his growing power.
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Who did Amalric dispatch west?
Archbishop Frederick of Tyre to hold personal meetings with King Henry II and Louis. However, rebellions (John + Richard vs. Henry) and the Thomas Beckett affair meant they were otherwise engaged.
10 of 19
What happens in 1174?
BOTH Nur al Din and Amalric die in close succession to one another. This impacted muslim + christian lands. However, Islamic m.e had Saladin (experienced/ambitious figure) whereas Franks had 13 year old Baldwin IV.
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Why did Baldwin IV's rule begin badly?
Miles of Plancy was regent but died soon after by being murdered on streets of Acre, next regent is Raymond of Tripoli.
12 of 19
Why was their a lack of leadership in 1177 onwards?
William Longsword, Sybilla's husband, dies in 1177 and in 1180 needed new husband. Raymond's candidate of Balian was rejected (hostility) and she married Guy of Lusignan, an inexperienced french noble.
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What does Saladin do after Nur al Din dies?
Claims to be true heir of legacy, marries his widow 1176 and takes control of Damascus.
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What happens at Montgisard in 1177?
Saladin is defeated by Prince Reynald and young Baldwin IV.
15 of 19
What did Montgisard in 1177 encourage?
Encouraged the franks to build Jacob's ford in 1179. However, Saladin didn't want it to be a barrier between Kingdom of Jerusalem so he attacked it and it fell after 5 days.
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What happened in 1183 during Saladin's attempted invasion?
Guy assembles forces, 13,00 cavalry + 15,000 infantry and shadow Saladin but he retreats due to lack of supplies so as not to create a loss to himself.
17 of 19
Why does Saladin threaten Kerak in 1183/4?
He's pressuring Reynald de Chatillon - Reynald had attacked 17 pilgrim boats in 1182/3 in Arabian Peninsula. Later on in 1186/7 he attacks a muslim caravan heading from Cairo to Damascus.
18 of 19
Why does Saladin need to neutralise Constaninople?
So he knew his borders would be protected whilst his attention is in the Holy land. Made a truce with Byantium Emperor 1184/5.
19 of 19
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Card 2
How did the failure of the second crusade inspire Nur al Din?
It inspired him to take Jihad at full force to the Franks (although remember he didn't officially turn to Jihad until 1163), leading to the battle of Inab 1149 (kills Raymond of Antioch, sends head to Caliph of Baghdad)
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