Origins and Development 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Government & PoliticsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: SarahCreated on: 27-03-13 13:12 Since what decade has feminism been a familiar part of everyday language Nineteen sixty 1 of 7 Women are disadvantaged because of their...? Sex 2 of 7 What type of feminism rejects conventional political ideas and concepts? Radical feminism 3 of 7 The first text of modern feminism, Vindication of the Rights of Women, was written by who? Mary wollstonecraft 4 of 7 The women's movement was strongest in those countries which had a...? Democracy 5 of 7 Which English philosopher proposed an amendment to the Second Reform Act in an attempt to introduce female suffrage? John stuart mill 6 of 7 Which movement adopted increasingly militant tactics? Second wave 7 of 7
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