Origins of psychology

  • Created by: TMC1
  • Created on: 25-09-24 12:33
Definition of psychology
The scientific study of the mind and behaviour
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Who is considered the father of psychology
wilhelm wundt
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What was Wilhem Wundt's key contribution to psychology
Established the first psychology labratory in 1879
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What is introspection?
The process of examining one's own consious thoughts and feelings
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how did wundt make psychology more scientific?
Using controlled experiments and standardised procedures to study the mind
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What is structuralism?
Wundt's approach, focusing on breaking down mental processes into basic components
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What is the earliest approach in psychology?
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Why is psychology a science?
It is objective, reliable and systematic.
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Card 2


Who is considered the father of psychology


wilhelm wundt

Card 3


What was Wilhem Wundt's key contribution to psychology


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Card 4


What is introspection?


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Card 5


how did wundt make psychology more scientific?


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