Organisation Structure Glossary 0.0 / 5 ? Applied BusinessDefine these key wordsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: meganpoppleton99Created on: 09-03-17 13:43 Organisation Chart Diagram showing the structure of an organisation 1 of 17 Tall organisation structure An organisation with many layers of hierarchy 2 of 17 Flat organisation structure An organisation with few layers of hierarchy 3 of 17 Matrix Structure The organisation of a firm into teams based on a project or product with members drawn from a range of traditional functions 4 of 17 Functions The traditional departments in an organisation (marketing, finance etc). 5 of 17 Centralised Structure Decision making is in the hands of senior management 6 of 17 Decentralised Structure Decision making is delegated to employees lower down the hierarchy 7 of 17 Span Of Control The number of subordinates reporting to a line manager 8 of 17 Chain of command The route by which decisions and information are passed up and down the organisation structure 9 of 17 Hierarchy of hierarchical structure A traditional organisation structure which contains layers of management 10 of 17 Delegation Passing power and authority down the hierarchy, seen as motivating 11 of 17 Levels of hierarchy The layers within the organisation structure reflecting the number of managers at different levels in the organisation 12 of 17 Delayering Removing layers of the hierarchy 13 of 17 Bureaucracy or bureaucratic The rules and procedures of doing things in an organisation. Some see it as 'red tape' or 'filling in bits of paper' 14 of 17 Authority The power to make decisions 15 of 17 Responsibility A manager is 'responsible' for the actions/mistakes of a subordinate 16 of 17 Accountability A subordinate is 'accountable' to a line manager. (must report to) 17 of 17
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