Organic module

What is the meaning of hydrocarbon?
A compund consisting of hydrogen and carbon only
1 of 16
What is saturated hydrocarbons?
contain single carbon-carbon bonds only
2 of 16
What are unsaturated hydrocarbons?
Contain a c=c double bond
3 of 16
What is petroleum fraction?
Mixture of hydrocarbons with a similar chain length and boiling point range
4 of 16
What is molecular formula?
The formula which shows the actual number of each type of atom
5 of 16
What is emperical formula?
It shows the siplest whole number ration of atoms of each elememnt in the compund
6 of 16
What do homologous organic compunds have in common?
The same functional group and same general formula and they have the same chemical properties
7 of 16
What is a structural isomer?
They have the same molecular formula but different structural formula
8 of 16
What is a chain isomer?
compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures of the carbon skeleton
9 of 16
What is a position isomer?
Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures due to different positions of the same functional group on the same carbon skeleton
10 of 16
What is functional group isomer?
Compunds with the same molecular formula but with atoms arranged to give different functional groups
11 of 16
what are four main points that happen in a fractional column?
Oil is preheated and passed into column, The temperature of the column decreases as you go upwards therefore the smaller molecules condense at the bottom
12 of 16
Economic reason for cracking?
The petroleum fractions with shorter C chains are in more demand than larger chains
13 of 16
What are two conditions of thermal cracking?
high pressure and high temperature
14 of 16
What does it mostly produce?
15 of 16
What are the conditions for catalytic cracking?
high temperature (450) low pressure and zeolite catalyst
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is saturated hydrocarbons?


contain single carbon-carbon bonds only

Card 3


What are unsaturated hydrocarbons?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is petroleum fraction?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is molecular formula?


Preview of the front of card 5
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