organic chemistry
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- Created by: fatemah.t
- Created on: 01-02-18 12:03
organic chemistry
study of hydrocarbons and there derivatives
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compounds of hydrogen and carbon only that have covalent bonding
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homologous series
a group of compounds with a general formula, similar chemical properties but show a gradation in physical properties as a result of increase in size and mass
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number of bonds
carbon:4 bonds hydrogen: 1 bond x(fl,br,1)halides: 1 oxygen:2 nitrogen: 3
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saturated hydrocarbons
contain c-c and undergo substitution reactions
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unsaturated hydrocarbons
contain atleast c=c and undergo addition reactions
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substitution reactions
when two reactants react in such a way that two products are formed with some part exchanged
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addition reactions
when two molecules form one large molecule (one reactant is unsaturated while product is saturated)
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1 carbon: meth 2 carbon: eth 3 carbon: prop 4 carbon: but 5 carbon: pent
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homologous series of saturated hydrocarbons with general class formula of CnH2n+2
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physical properties of Alkanes
1) viscosity 2)Mr 3)vanderwal forces 4) Density 5)M.p and B.p increases as umber of carbon atoms increase ( down the group) ; alkanes are insoluble in water ; color darkens down the group
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chemical properties of Alkanes
usually unreactive except react with 1) oxygen for combustion 2) react with halogens by giving substitution reactions
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alkane substitution reaction
is an endothermic photochemical reaction done in the presence of u.v light and cannot be carried out in darkness
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chlorofoam and is used in anesthesia
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solvent in dry cleaning
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compounds having same molecular formula but different structural formula thus their chemical properties are same but physical properties differ
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homologous series of unsaturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n and undergo addition reactions
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physical properties
same as alkanes
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chemical properties
undergo combustion reactions with oxygen
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test for unsaturated molecule?
react substance with aqueous bromine. If the color of bromine changes from brown to colorless then it means that the substance is unsaturated salt
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reacting alkene with hydrogen nickel: catalyst temperature:170 degree Celsius
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hydrogenation industrial use
manufacturing of margarine. vegetable oils are polyunsaturated and reacting them with hydrogen converts them to margarine that is saturated
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formation of alcohol by reacting alkene with steam.
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hydration process
alkene + steam= alcohol + gas con. phosphoric acid H3PO4 used as catalyst with 350 degree Celsius and 60 a.t.m room temp and pressure
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alkenes reaction with halogengs
produce bromoethane e.t.c
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(of an organic compound, especially a fat or oil molecule) containing several double or triple bonds between carbon atoms
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homologous series containing the -OH group with general class formula of CnH2n+1- OH
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manufacturing of alcohol
1) Industrial manufacturing: alkene + steam = alcohol
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manufacturing of alcohol
2) Fermentation: glucose = alcohol + carbon dioxide catalyst: yeast(produces the enzyme zymase) 35°C in anaerobic conditions
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below 18°C the enzyme with not activate and after 60°C the enzyme with denature so the optimum temperature is 35/40°C
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anaerobic conditions bc oxygen will kill the enzyme
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18% alcohol conc. as more will kill enzyme bc its antiseptic. pure alcohol can be obtained through fractional distillation. Fermentation is more convenient as glucose is a renewable resource.
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physical properties
1) m.p and b.p 2)solubility increases as number of carbon atoms increase (down the group)
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m.p and b.p
low as simple molecules but more than alkanes and alkenes as alcohol have stronger bonds as compared to hydrocarbons
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chemical properties
1) combustion 2) reaction with sodium metal 3) dehydration
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formation of alkene and water from alcohol with conc. h2so4 and heat
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uses of alcohol
1) a constituent in alcoholic beverages 2)antiseptic wipes 3) solvent 4) fuel 5) thermometer
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
compounds of hydrogen and carbon only that have covalent bonding
Card 3
a group of compounds with a general formula, similar chemical properties but show a gradation in physical properties as a result of increase in size and mass

Card 4
carbon:4 bonds hydrogen: 1 bond x(fl,br,1)halides: 1 oxygen:2 nitrogen: 3

Card 5
contain c-c and undergo substitution reactions

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