They are quantities that have magnitude and direction.
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What is mass?
The quantity of matter that a body possesses.
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What is weight?
The gravitational force exerted on an object.
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What is distance?
It is measured in metres. It is the path that the body takes as it moves from the starting to finishing position.
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What is displacement?
Measured in metres. The shorest route in a straight line between the atartikng and finishing position.
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What is speed?
It is a measurement in m/s of the body's movement per unit of time with no reference to direction.
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What is velocity?
Measured in m/s and is the rate of change of displacement
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What is acceleraion?
measured in m/s2 and is the rate of chnage in velocity.
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What is momentum?
Momentum is the product of the mass and velovity of an object.
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What is an external force?
Come from outside the body.
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What is the internal force?
It is generated by the skeletal muscles.
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What is the equation for weight?
Weight = mass x acceleration.
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What is reaction force?
this occurs when two bodies are in contact with one another.
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What is friction?
occurs when two or more bodies are in contact with one another.
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What is air resistance?`
a force that acts in the opposite direction to the motion of a body travelling through the air.
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What is impulse?
Impulse =force x time.
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What is net impulse?
A combination of positive and negative impulses.
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What is angular motion?
A movement around a fixed point.
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What is torque?
the rotational consequence of a force.
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What is newtons first law?
A rotating body will continue to turn about its axis of rotation with constant angualr momentum unless and external force is exterted upon it.
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What is newtons second law?
It is the rate of change of angular momentum of a body is proportional to the force causing it and the chnage that takes place in the direction in which the force acts.
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Newtons third law?
When a torque is applied by one body to another, the second body will exert an equal opposite torque on the other body.
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What is a radian?
it is the unit of measurementof angles.
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What is angual displacement?
the smallest chnage in angle between the start and finish point of a rotation.
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What is angluar velocity?
the rate of change of angular displacement.
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What is angular acceleration?
The rate of chnage of angualr velocity.
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What is angular momentum?
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What is horizontal displacement?
The shortest distance from the starting point to the finishing point in a line parallel to the ground.
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What is parabola?
A curve with the matching left - and right hand sides.
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What is the horizontal component?
The horizontal motion of an object.
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What is vertical component?
The upward motion of an object.
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What is drag force?
A force that acts in opposition to motion.
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What is streamlining?
Involves shaping a body so it can move as effectively and quickly through a fluid as possible.
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what is lift force?
it causes a body to move perpendicular to the directionof travel.
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What is the bernoulli principle?
where air molecules exert less pressure the faster the faster they travel and more pressure when they travel slower.
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What is the angle of attack?
The tilt of a projectile relative to air flow.
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What is surface drag?
relates to the friction between the surface of an object and the fluid environment.
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What is form drag?
relates to the impact of the fluid environment on an object
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are vecot quantities?
They are quantities that have magnitude and direction.
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