Systems software is a type of software that controls the computers hardware. Providing an interface for the user to interact with. An Operating system is a type of Systems Software.
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Processor Management
The processor divides the time that it take to complete processes by half completing one and starting another until it comes back around and completes them.
3 of 5
By giving the processor a small amount of time it appears that we can multitask and have a lot of programs open.
4 of 5
User Interface
An interface or menu that the user can use to get somewhere or do something using the computer
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Card 2
Systems software is a type of software that controls the computers hardware. Providing an interface for the user to interact with. An Operating system is a type of Systems Software.
Systems Software
Card 3
The processor divides the time that it take to complete processes by half completing one and starting another until it comes back around and completes them.
Card 4
By giving the processor a small amount of time it appears that we can multitask and have a lot of programs open.
Card 5
An interface or menu that the user can use to get somewhere or do something using the computer
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