Online Services+ Examples 0.0 / 5 ? ICTOnline ServicesBTEC NationalNone Created by: Sarkistian10234Created on: 15-11-16 14:38 Online Services Facilities that users can access over the internet 1 of 18 Communication Moving data between users 2 of 18 Examples of Communication E-mails, Instant messaging, newsgroups, social networking, online conferencing, blogs 3 of 18 Real-Time Information Used to get up-to-date informaition 4 of 18 Examples of Real-Time information Train Timetables, News Services, Traffic Reports, Flight status updates, Weather 5 of 18 Commerce Involves bussiness... buying selling and money services (Banking) 6 of 18 Examples of Commerce Internet Banking, Online Auction, Websites (Ebay), Retail sales (Tesco), Publishing (Kindle(Amazon)) 7 of 18 Government Involves public servces- government bodies, like the DVLA and local council 8 of 18 Examples of Government Online tax returns, E-Voting, Applications for Services or Grants, Revenue Collection, Renewing Car Tax 9 of 18 Education Involves learning and Training 10 of 18 Examples of Education Online learning for Learners, Online Training 11 of 18 Entertainment Involves using the internet for leisure and fun 12 of 18 Examples of Entertainment Online Gaming, Radio Players and Music Websites, Catch-Up TV, On-Demand Films 13 of 18 Virtual Learning Environment Virtual Classroom- Allows students and teachers to communicate with each other 14 of 18 Business Involves businesses using websites to make their businesses more efficient or to savemoney 15 of 18 Examples of Businesses Video Conferencing, Collaborative Working, Business Networks 16 of 18 Download Services Involves files that can be downloaded and saved onto user's PC- LEGAL 17 of 18 Examples of Download Services Music and film, Software, Upgrades 18 of 18
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