OMAM quotations 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureOf Mice and MenGCSEWJEC Created by: sarah20001Created on: 21-05-16 13:50 Curley's Wife "They left all the weak ones here" "i coulda been in the movies" 1 of 8 Curley "i'll shoot him in the guts" 2 of 8 Candy "Old candy lay down in the hay and covered his eyes with his arm" 3 of 8 Crooks "you ain't got no right coming' in my room" 4 of 8 George "get 'I'm Lennie" "he ain't mean" 5 of 8 Lennie "Why'd you have to go get killed?" "Ain't a thing in my pocket" 6 of 8 Slim "i think you got your hand caught in a machine" "you had George" "he's jes' like a kid ain't he" 7 of 8 Carlson "now what the hell ya suppose is eating' them two guys" 8 of 8
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