Of Mice and Men 'how much do you know?' 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureProseIGCSEEdexcel Created by: Jessie SbresniCreated on: 01-03-15 12:31 The novel was set in the 1930s during the Great Depression? True 1 of 10 Which character says 'Guys like us who work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world' George 2 of 10 True or false? Candy breeds his dog to produce puppies? False 3 of 10 Which character is described as lonely? Curley's wife 4 of 10 Who shoots Candy's dog? Carlson 5 of 10 Which animal was Lennie most hoping for? rabbit 6 of 10 Which character is described as racist? Curley's wife 7 of 10 Who dislikes Lennie the most? Curley 8 of 10 True or false? Lennie kills Curley's wife and then kills George? False 9 of 10 In Weed, what was the girl wearing that Lennie had touched? A red dress 10 of 10
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