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- Created by: sunnybunny28
- Created on: 15-08-23 22:05
Where and when were the Odyssey and the Illiad composed?
8th century BC
Greek Bronze Age
8th century BC
Greek Bronze Age
1 of 217
What meter are the Odyssey and Illiad ?
Dactylic hexameter
2 of 217
Why is there no background on the Trojan wars given by Homer?
the audiences would be expected to already know the stories
3 of 217
What is the Homeric Question?
whether Homer was one person or many
4 of 217
When was the text of the Odyssey standardised?
6th century BC
5 of 217
When was the Odyssey split into 24 books?
3rd century BC
6 of 217
Rules of hospitality
how to behave as a host and as a guest
how to behave as a host and as a guest
7 of 217
8 of 217
Heroic glory
(can be inherited)
(can be inherited)
9 of 217
What is the dramatic question of the Odyssey?
whether or not Odysseus will get home in time to save Telemachus and Penelope. Not whether he will get home, we already know that he will as it is predestined?
10 of 217
Who is Zeus complaining about at the beginning of Book 1?
11 of 217
Why was Orestes morally right to kill Aegisthus?
What does this mean for Telemachus and Odysseus?
What does this mean for Telemachus and Odysseus?
Aegisthus abused the rules of xenia.
Odysseus and Telemachus are morally right to kill the suitors
Odysseus and Telemachus are morally right to kill the suitors
12 of 217
What does the epithet 'flashing eyes' say about Athena?
liveliness of thought
sign of intelligence
quick wit
sign of intelligence
quick wit
13 of 217
How does Athena get Telemachus to come out of himself in Book 1?
She compares him to Odysseus
14 of 217
Who is Athena disguised as when she arrives on Ithaca in Book 1?
15 of 217
How many suitors are there?
16 of 217
Why can Penelope not reject the suitors?
it would lead to violence
endangering her own and Telemachus' lives
endangering her own and Telemachus' lives
17 of 217
Book 1 :
Why does Athena get Telemachus to leave Ithaca?
Why does Athena get Telemachus to leave Ithaca?
to get him to grow up
to save his life from the suitors
to save his life from the suitors
18 of 217
Book 1:
How does Penelope behave with decorum?
How does Penelope behave with decorum?
she appears in the banquet hall veiled and accompanied by two maids
19 of 217
When does Odysseus first appear ?
Book 5
20 of 217
Book 1:
What is Athena's response to being offered a gift?
What is Athena's response to being offered a gift?
she puts off the gift until she returns and asks for the best gift possible
an accepted principle to ask for the best
an accepted principle to ask for the best
21 of 217
What is Penelope's situation in Ithaca?
without a husband the men in Greece want to marry her so that they can rule Ithaca and have her riches
they are waging a war of attrition
If she agrees to marry one of the suitors it means she has given up on hopes of Odysseus returning
they are waging a war of attrition
If she agrees to marry one of the suitors it means she has given up on hopes of Odysseus returning
22 of 217
Book 1:
What does Athena tell Telemachus to do about Penelope's situation?
What does Athena tell Telemachus to do about Penelope's situation?
She tells him to send the suitors home, unless Penelope wants to marry one, then to send Penelope home to her father
23 of 217
Book 1:
What does Penelope's handling of her situation say about her personality?
What does Penelope's handling of her situation say about her personality?
Determined - unpicking the weaving is just as hard as the weaving itself
Clever- in control despite being in a patriarchal world, she maintains control by not not making a decision
Clever- in control despite being in a patriarchal world, she maintains control by not not making a decision
24 of 217
Book 1:
What happens that upsets Penelope?
What is Telemachus' response?
What happens that upsets Penelope?
What is Telemachus' response?
the bard is singing of the disasters faced by those returning from Troy
Telemachus critisises her and sends her to her rooms
Telemachus critisises her and sends her to her rooms
25 of 217
Book 1:
What does Telemachus do that surprises the suitors?
What does Telemachus do that surprises the suitors?
he tells them to leave, it is surprising as he was meek before
26 of 217
What name is given to books 2-4?
the Telemachy
27 of 217
Book 2:
Who is the first to speak at the assembly ?
What does he say?
Who is the first to speak at the assembly ?
What does he say?
Aegyptius - an Ithican elder
he praises Telemachus for stepping into his father's shoes, noting that it is the first assembly since Odysseus left for Troy
he praises Telemachus for stepping into his father's shoes, noting that it is the first assembly since Odysseus left for Troy
28 of 217
Book 2:
What does Telemachus do at the end of his speech that shows his youth and inexperience?
What does Telemachus do at the end of his speech that shows his youth and inexperience?
he throws his staff to the ground and cries
29 of 217
Book 3:
who accompanies Telemachus to Pylos?
who accompanies Telemachus to Pylos?
Athena - disguised as Mentor
30 of 217
Book 3:
Who tells Telemachus of Agamemnon's fate?
Who tells Telemachus of Agamemnon's fate?
31 of 217
Book 3:
Who us sent to accompany
Telemachus to Sparta?
Who us sent to accompany
Telemachus to Sparta?
Pisistratus - Nestor's son
32 of 217
Book 3:
How do Nestor and his sons show defference to the gods?
How do Nestor and his sons show defference to the gods?
Sacrifice of dozens of bulls to Poseidon
Sacrifices to Athena after she reveals herself as being among them.
Sacrifices to Athena after she reveals herself as being among them.
33 of 217
Book 3:
How does Athena reveal herself to the court on Pylos?
How does Athena reveal herself to the court on Pylos?
she rsheds her disguise as Mentor and turns into an eagle
34 of 217
Book 4:
What are Helen and Menelaus celebrating ?
What are Helen and Menelaus celebrating ?
the marriages of their daughter and son
35 of 217
Book 4:
What do the suitors plan?
What do the suitors plan?
they plan an ambush on Telemachus' return to kill him
36 of 217
Book 4:
Who tells Penelope of the suitors' plans?
Who tells Penelope of the suitors' plans?
Medon the herald
37 of 217
Personality of Antinous?
tells the truth, does not shy from being the villain
38 of 217
Personality of Eurymachus?
snake, lies and is nice to Telemachus and Penelope, but is plotting against them either way
39 of 217
What epithet is given to Calypso?
'of the plaited tresses'
40 of 217
What is Calypso doing when she is first introduced?
41 of 217
How does Homer present Odysseus' position on Calypso's island?
as a prisoner
42 of 217
What does Calypso offer Odysseus?
43 of 217
What is Odysseus doing when he is first introduced?
44 of 217
What does Calypso do after saying that she will not help Odysseus leave?
she gives him tools to build and provisions for his journey
she shows him where the best trees for ship building are
she gives him a favourable wind to sail away
she shows him where the best trees for ship building are
she gives him a favourable wind to sail away
45 of 217
Book 5:
How does Odysseus show his intelligence?
How does Odysseus show his intelligence?
Dodges Calypso's trapping questions, comparing herself and Penelope
Build boat by himself
Build boat by himself
46 of 217
Book 5:
What is Odysseus's reaction to storms?
What is Odysseus's reaction to storms?
self pitying
wishes he was dead
his initial reaction is to give up
he bullies himself into being motivated
wishes he was dead
his initial reaction is to give up
he bullies himself into being motivated
47 of 217
Book 5:
How long is Odysseus on his raft before Poseidon attacks him?
How long is Odysseus on his raft before Poseidon attacks him?
18 days (without sleeping)
48 of 217
Book 5:
How long does it take Odysseus to swim to shore?
What help does he receive?
How long does it take Odysseus to swim to shore?
What help does he receive?
2 days to swim to shore
Athena gives him ideas for how to get to shore and flattens the waves
Ino tells him to jump off the raft and gives him her veil
Athena gives him ideas for how to get to shore and flattens the waves
Ino tells him to jump off the raft and gives him her veil
49 of 217
What are the two roles of women
in the Odyssey?
in the Odyssey?
Help or Hindrance
50 of 217
List Athena's interventions in Book 6.
Makes Odysseus more beautiful
Tells Nausicaa to wash clothes in a dream
Puts courage in Nausicaa's heart
Reminds Nausicaa of her eligibility as a bride
Tells Nausicaa to wash clothes in a dream
Puts courage in Nausicaa's heart
Reminds Nausicaa of her eligibility as a bride
51 of 217
Who does Athena appear as to Nausicaa?
appears as the daughter of Dymas
52 of 217
What does Athena tell Nausicaa in her dream?
calls her lazy and tells her she should
wash clothes for when she is married
wash clothes for when she is married
53 of 217
Why does Athena put courage in Nausicaa's heart?
so that she does not run away from the naked Odysseus, forcing the meeting
54 of 217
How does Nausicaa help Odysseus?
gets him clothes and food
gives him a lift to the city and advice on how to get into the palace
gives him a lift to the city and advice on how to get into the palace
55 of 217
Why does Nausicaa leave Odysseus outside the city walls?
She can not take him inside because she is a princess and it would relfect badly on her to be accompanied by a strange man
56 of 217
How does Nausicaa hinder Odysseus?
she does not take him into the palace
Potential for Odysseus to marry her and not get home
Represents a temptation
Potential for Odysseus to marry her and not get home
Represents a temptation
57 of 217
What does Alcinous offer Odysseus?
Nausicaa's hand in marriage
58 of 217
What does Nausicaa critisise Odysseus for?
complaining that the gods are punishing him,
points out that if the gods are punishing him he probably deserves it
points out that if the gods are punishing him he probably deserves it
59 of 217
Why does Odysseus not hug Nausicaa's knees?
he is a naked and wild looking man and she is a young girl, he keeps his distance
60 of 217
What does Odysseus compare Nausicaa to ?
Artemis (societal ideal for young girls)
A tree sacred to Apollo
A tree sacred to Apollo
61 of 217
Are Odysseus' dealings with Nausicaa
entirely fair?
entirely fair?
Nausicaa is primed by Athena to fall in love with him
Odysseus is being flattering and flirtatious
Nausicaa is primed by Athena to fall in love with him
Odysseus is being flattering and flirtatious
62 of 217
Why did Homer use the Phaecians as a representation of the pinnacle of civilisation?
They are fictional and so the bards telling the story will not upset any audiences by calling their enemies the pinnacle of civilisation
63 of 217
Book 7:
What does Odysseus do that shows the audience that he is a reliable narrator?
What does Odysseus do that shows the audience that he is a reliable narrator?
He accuratly tells the Phaeacians the story of how he washed up on Scherie
64 of 217
What is the main characteristic of
an epic simile?
an epic simile?
links something heroic that happens with something that is everyday, so that everyone can relate
65 of 217
What is the focus of Book 8?
the Phaeacian games
66 of 217
Who is the Phaeacian bard?
Demodicus -
blind, potentially a Homer self-insert
blind, potentially a Homer self-insert
67 of 217
Book 8:
What are the three tales told by the Bard?
What are the three tales told by the Bard?
1. the quarrel between Odysseus and Achilles
2. Tale of Ares and Aphrodite
3. the Trojan Horse
2. Tale of Ares and Aphrodite
3. the Trojan Horse
68 of 217
Book 8:
What is the purpose of the Bard's first tale?
What is the purpose of the Bard's first tale?
to remind the audience of Odysseus' status
Odysseus cries, showing his gentler side,
Alcinous does not draw attention to his guest's upset, showing good xenia
Odysseus cries, showing his gentler side,
Alcinous does not draw attention to his guest's upset, showing good xenia
69 of 217
Book 8:
Why do the Phaeacians hold games for Odysseus?
Why do the Phaeacians hold games for Odysseus?
for kleos
so that he will go and tell of their prowess
so that he will go and tell of their prowess
70 of 217
Examples of the Phaeacians being generous?
Nausicaa's hand in marriage
more games
more games
71 of 217
Examples of the Phaeacians being the height of civilisation?
Great xenia
Wise and respected king
Good at sailing
Great gardens
Wise and respected king
Good at sailing
Great gardens
72 of 217
What does Athena being present in Scherie without Odysseus' knowledge suggest?
that she does not trust him completely
73 of 217
Why does Odysseus ask Demodicus to sing of the Trojan horse?
to remind the Phaeacians of his kleos before revealing himself to them
74 of 217
What is the prophecy against the Phaeacians?
That after delivering a stranger home their ship will be sunk and their city encircle by mountains and destroyed
75 of 217
Which book does Polyphemus appear in ?
Book 9
76 of 217
What happens as a result of Odysseus blinding Polyphemus?
Polyphemus curses Odysseus
77 of 217
Which book do the Cicones appear?
Book 9
78 of 217
Which book do the Lotus Eaters appear?
Book 9
79 of 217
How many ships sail into the harbour of the Laestragonians?
11 ships
80 of 217
How many men are sent to investigate the island of the Laestragonians and the Island of the Lotus Eaters?
3 scouts
81 of 217
Who is the king of the Laestragonians?
82 of 217
What does Odysseus do to try and impress Circe?
kills a deer
83 of 217
What is Circe doing upon first introduction?
84 of 217
What happens when Odysseus goes to investigate Circe's island on his own?
he meets Hermes who gives him the antidote to Circe's spell and tells him how to tame her
85 of 217
What is the antidote to Circe's spells?
86 of 217
How does Odysseus 'tame' Circe?
by sleeping with her
87 of 217
Which crew member questions Odysseus and blames him for the trouble with the cyclops?
What is Odysseus's response?
What is Odysseus's response?
Eurylochus ( in some sources Odysseus' cousin)
Odysseus looses his temper and almost cuts Eurylochus' head off
Odysseus looses his temper and almost cuts Eurylochus' head off
88 of 217
Book 9:
Whose death does Odysseus not notice?
Whose death does Odysseus not notice?
89 of 217
Technical term for flashback?
in medias res
90 of 217
How does Odysseus refer to his time with Circe and Calypso?
time when her was 'kept' and 'detained'
91 of 217
Who does Odysseus blame for his trouble
getting home?
What does this say about his character?
getting home?
What does this say about his character?
He blames Zeus
Shows that he does not trust in the gods, that he sees himself as above his men
that he is fearless to speak against the gods
Shows that he does not trust in the gods, that he sees himself as above his men
that he is fearless to speak against the gods
92 of 217
What does Odysseus attribute his problems with the Cicones to?
His men not being able to follow orders
93 of 217
What does eating the lotus do
to Odysseus's men?
to Odysseus's men?
Makes them want to stay in the
Land of the Lotus Eaters
Land of the Lotus Eaters
94 of 217
5 reasons the Cyclopes are uncivilised.
1. aloof
2. bad xenia
3. Polyphemus dismisses the Olympian gods
4. lawless, no assemblies
5. do not farm the lands
2. bad xenia
3. Polyphemus dismisses the Olympian gods
4. lawless, no assemblies
5. do not farm the lands
95 of 217
Why does Odysseus visit Polyphemus?
curiosity, potential for receiving gifts,
potential to spread his kleos
potential to spread his kleos
96 of 217
3 ways Odysseus uses cunning to escape Polyphemus' cave.
- does not give his real name
- does not kill Polyphemus
- Hangs under the sheep
- does not kill Polyphemus
- Hangs under the sheep
97 of 217
Why does Odysseus feel compelled to call out his name to Polyphemus?
a need to be known ---> kleos,
to gloat
a need to be known ---> kleos,
to gloat
98 of 217
Who were the Cicones allies with?
the Trojans
99 of 217
What sends Odysseus and his crew to the island of the Lotus Eaters?
Adverse winds
100 of 217
What does the lotus' magic represent?
the insecurity of human existence poised between perceivable reality and mythical unreality
101 of 217
How is Polyphemus Humanised?
he treats his lambs and kids with care
he whistles
all he has to turn to after he is blinded is his ram
he whistles
all he has to turn to after he is blinded is his ram
102 of 217
Purpose of Book 9?
to show off Odysseus' admirable characteristics
cunningness, authority,
show off his less admirable qualitites
shows him as multifaceted but not flawless
Themes : xenia, civilisation, gods
cunningness, authority,
show off his less admirable qualitites
shows him as multifaceted but not flawless
Themes : xenia, civilisation, gods
103 of 217
What book do the Laestragonians appear?
Book 10
104 of 217
What book does the encounter with Aeolus take place?
Book 10
105 of 217
What is the name of Circe's island?
106 of 217
What is the name of Calypso's island?
107 of 217
How is Aeolus depicted?
hospitible, generous, helpful
hospitible, generous, helpful
108 of 217
Who gave Aeolus charge of the winds?
109 of 217
Who is Calypso's father?
110 of 217
Who is Circe's father?
111 of 217
How long does Odysseus stay with Circe?
1 year
112 of 217
What is Tireisias' prophecy?
All the men will return to Ithaca if they do not eat the cattle of the sun, he will get home, but then he must carry on until he reaches a land where they cal an oar a 'winnowing fan', they don't use sakt and cannot sail. to sacrifice to Poseidon there.
113 of 217
What book do the sirens appear in?
Book 12
114 of 217
What book do Syclla and Charybdis appear in?
Book 12
115 of 217
What is the kleos of the crew dependant on?
Odysseus' kleos
116 of 217
3 instances during his travels of Odysseus' anger being easily provoked?
the Phaeacian Games
Eurylochus on Circe's Island
Shouting back to Polyphemus
Eurylochus on Circe's Island
Shouting back to Polyphemus
117 of 217
What is the only fixed fate in the Odyssey?
that Odysseus will get home
118 of 217
What book does Odysseus return to Ithaca?
Book 13
119 of 217
Why does Zeus lessen Poseidon's punishment of the Phaeacians?
their good xenia
120 of 217
Who does Odysseus tell the first Cretan Tale to?
121 of 217
Who tells Odysseus about Penelope stinging the suitors along?
122 of 217
Why does Athena throw a mist over Odysseus when he arrives in Ithaca?
so that he does not recognise Ithaca and go charging ahead to the palace and the suitors without warning or preparation
123 of 217
Book 13:
What is Odysseus' initial reaction on waking up?
What is Odysseus' initial reaction on waking up?
Despair - does not know where he is, does not know that he is home
Checks that the Phaeacian sailors have not taken any of his treasure
Shows he is mistrustful, cautious, angry, jumps to conclusions
Checks that the Phaeacian sailors have not taken any of his treasure
Shows he is mistrustful, cautious, angry, jumps to conclusions
124 of 217
Book 13:
What is Athena's reaction to Odysseus lying to her?
What does this say about Greek attitudes
to lying?
What is Athena's reaction to Odysseus lying to her?
What does this say about Greek attitudes
to lying?
Praises him for his lying and gloats that he did not notice her on his travels.
Lying is a notable and heroic quality, linked with wisdom.
Lying is a notable and heroic quality, linked with wisdom.
125 of 217
Book 13:
What is Odysseus' reaction to Athena revealing herself to him?
What is Odysseus' reaction to Athena revealing herself to him?
He critisises her for her lack of help on his journey after all the help she gave at Troy.
He questions whether he is lying to her and trying to lead him astray.
He seems familiar with Athena, can question her without being killed
Does not trust her despi
He questions whether he is lying to her and trying to lead him astray.
He seems familiar with Athena, can question her without being killed
Does not trust her despi
126 of 217
Eumaeus' personality?
Loyal and diligent, dismisses
127 of 217
Book 13:
What does Odysseus critisise Athena for?
What does Odysseus critisise Athena for?
Not helping during his travels as much as she did at Troy
Not telling Telemachus that he was alive
Sending Telemachus to Sparta
Not telling Telemachus that he was alive
Sending Telemachus to Sparta
128 of 217
Book 14:
What is the symbolism of Eumaeus' dogs not recognising Odysseus?
What is the symbolism of Eumaeus' dogs not recognising Odysseus?
Shows he has been away a long time
129 of 217
What is the first thing Euemaeus tells the beggar about?
Odysseus - his thoughts are still occupied with Odysseus 20 years after his departure
130 of 217
Who does Odysseus tell the 2nd Cretan Tale to ?
131 of 217
Who is Odysseus in the first Cretan Tale?
A murderer
132 of 217
How does Odysseus test Euemaeus?
Tests his xenia and loyalty to him
asks him for a cloak
asks him for a cloak
133 of 217
Book 14:
Why does Odysseus appear in disguise?
Why does Odysseus appear in disguise?
to surprise the suitors
following Agamemnon's warning about wives
following Agamemnon's warning about wives
134 of 217
How does Homer refer to Eumaeus?
2nd person 'you'
135 of 217
How does Homer show affection between Eumaeus and Telemachus?
flurry of kisses and tears from Eumaeus
Telemachus addresses him as 'good friend'
the dogs recognise Telemachus, showing he visits often
Telemachus addresses him as 'good friend'
the dogs recognise Telemachus, showing he visits often
136 of 217
Book 16:
Why is Telemachus reluctant to welcome the beggar at the palace?
Why is Telemachus reluctant to welcome the beggar at the palace?
he knows the suitors will insult him and show bad xenia
137 of 217
Book 16:
What is Telemachus' excuse for not killing the suitors?
What is Telemachus' excuse for not killing the suitors?
that he does not have brothers or uncles to help him
138 of 217
What is Telemachus' response to Odysseus revealing his identitiy to Telemachus?
What does this say about Telemachus?
What does this say about Telemachus?
That Odysseus is a god playing a trick on him.
Shows that Telemachus is mistrustful like his father, but also that he needs very little convincing, unlike Odysseus.
Shows that Telemachus is mistrustful like his father, but also that he needs very little convincing, unlike Odysseus.
139 of 217
How many suitors are there according to Telemachus?
140 of 217
Book 16:
What does Odysseus instruct Telemachus to do?
What does Odysseus instruct Telemachus to do?
to remove all the weapons from the banquet hall (save 2)
He gives him lies to assuage the suitors' probable questions
He gives him lies to assuage the suitors' probable questions
141 of 217
Book 16:
What advise does Telemachus give Odysseus?
What advise does Telemachus give Odysseus?
tells him not to test the loyalty of all the servants, only the female ones, to save time.
142 of 217
Book 17:
Who tells Penelope that Odysseus has returned to Ithaca?
Who tells Penelope that Odysseus has returned to Ithaca?
Theoclymenous - the decendant of a famous prophet, on the run from a manslaughter charge in Argos
143 of 217
Who does Telemachus take from Pylos to Ithaca?
144 of 217
Who is Melanthius?
the goatherd
cartoonishly villainous and does not respect Odysseus
cartoonishly villainous and does not respect Odysseus
145 of 217
Book 17:
What does Melanthius call the beggar?
What is Odysseus' reaction?
What does Melanthius call the beggar?
What is Odysseus' reaction?
THinks of two ways to kill him, but restrains himself
THinks of two ways to kill him, but restrains himself
146 of 217
Who is Argus?
What is he symbolic of?
What is he symbolic of?
Argus is Odysseus' dog, recognises Odysseus then dies
Symbolic of the neglect of Odysseus' palace and his memory
Symbolic of the neglect of Odysseus' palace and his memory
147 of 217
Book 18:
Who does Odysseus fight as the beggar?
Who does Odysseus fight as the beggar?
148 of 217
Book 18:
What does the beggars' fight show about Odysseus?
What does the beggars' fight show about Odysseus?
Physical strength - kills Irus in one punch
Ego over intelligence
Cannot help showing off, jeaoprodises his
mission by revealing himself
Loses temper - disrespectful abandoning
Irus outside aft
Ego over intelligence
Cannot help showing off, jeaoprodises his
mission by revealing himself
Loses temper - disrespectful abandoning
Irus outside aft
149 of 217
Book 18:
When had Odysseus told Penelope to remarry?
When had Odysseus told Penelope to remarry?
when she saw a beard on Telemachus' chin
150 of 217
Book 18:
What is Penelope's response to Eurymachus
calling her beautiful?
What is Penelope's response to Eurymachus
calling her beautiful?
Replies that since Odysseus left she has not been beautiful, and that she will be miserable with whoever she marries
151 of 217
Why does Penelope flirt with the suitors?
What is Odysseus' feeling about it?
What is Odysseus' feeling about it?
She flirts with them to extract gifts from them.
Odysseus is not jealous, admires her cleverness in tricking the suitors
Odysseus is not jealous, admires her cleverness in tricking the suitors
152 of 217
Who is Melantho?
a serving maid, sister to Melanthius
mistress of Eurymachus
mistress of Eurymachus
153 of 217
What do both Penelope and Odysseus call Melantho?
a *****
154 of 217
Book 18:
Why does Athena rile the suitors?
Why does Athena rile the suitors?
she likes watching Odysseus struggle
'she wished the anguish to bite deeper yet'
'she wished the anguish to bite deeper yet'
155 of 217
Book 18:
What do both Eurymachus and Melantho talk about in the same way?
What do both Eurymachus and Melantho talk about in the same way?
the beggar's fight with Irus and how it has gone to his head
156 of 217
Book 19:
What does the women being kept away from the banquet hall suggest?
What does the women being kept away from the banquet hall suggest?
that the fight is brewing and imminent
157 of 217
Book 19:
What does Athena do when Odysseus and Telemachus are taking the weapons to the store room?
What does Athena do when Odysseus and Telemachus are taking the weapons to the store room?
she brightens the lamps
to show her support and prove it to Telemachus
to show her support and prove it to Telemachus
158 of 217
Who does Odysseus tell the 3rd Cretan tale to?
159 of 217
Book 19:
What is Penelope's reaction to the beggar's tale?
How is it described?
What is Penelope's reaction to the beggar's tale?
How is it described?
Penelope cries at the beggar's tale
her tears are described with the epic simile of snow melting on a mountain
her tears are described with the epic simile of snow melting on a mountain
160 of 217
Book 19:
What does the beggar say to prove to Penelope that he met Odysseus?
What does the beggar say to prove to Penelope that he met Odysseus?
He described Odysseus' clothes in detail, which Penelope recognises
161 of 217
Book 19:
Why does Odysseus not take the guest room offered to him?
Why does Odysseus not take the guest room offered to him?
he wants to keep an eye on the suitors
162 of 217
Book 19:
Why does Odysseus refuse to let the younger maids wash his feet?
Why does Odysseus refuse to let the younger maids wash his feet?
repulsed by their actions?
would not be able to keep his temper in check?
knows that it would leave Eurycleia to do it, the one most likely to recognise him
would not be able to keep his temper in check?
knows that it would leave Eurycleia to do it, the one most likely to recognise him
163 of 217
Book 19:
What is the irony in the conversation between Penelope and the beggar?
What is the irony in the conversation between Penelope and the beggar?
Penelope keeps mentioning how like Odysseus the beggar is
164 of 217
How does Eurycleia recognise Odysseus?
the scar on his foot
165 of 217
Book 19:
Why is there a large aside on how Odysseus got the scar on his foot?
Why is there a large aside on how Odysseus got the scar on his foot?
to build tension
166 of 217
What does Odysseus do when Eurycleia recognises him?
grabs her by the throat and threatens her if she mentions him to anyone
167 of 217
Book 19:
What does Eurycleia offer to help
Odysseus with?
What does Eurycleia offer to help
Odysseus with?
determining which of the maids are disloyal
- Odysseus dismisses her
- Odysseus dismisses her
168 of 217
Book 19:
What does Penelope ask the beggar to do?
What does Penelope ask the beggar to do?
interpret her dreams with the geese
and the eagle
and the eagle
169 of 217
What was the ancient theory about the meaning
of dreams?
of dreams?
that dreams came through two gates
Gate of Ivory - misleading dreams
Gate of Horn -dreams that are portents of what is to come
Gate of Ivory - misleading dreams
Gate of Horn -dreams that are portents of what is to come
170 of 217
How does Penelope treat guests to the palace?
She treats every guest like she treats the beggar if they say that they have news of Odysseus
171 of 217
What does Penelope do at the end
of Book 19?
of Book 19?
She cries for Odysseus
172 of 217
Who is Odysseus in the third Cretan Tale?
a prince that met Odysseus when he was blown off course on his way to Troy
173 of 217
Book 20:
What happens after Odysseus prays to Zeus for help with his plan?
What happens after Odysseus prays to Zeus for help with his plan?
there is a thunderclap in a clear sky
174 of 217
Who throws a cow hoof at Odysseus ?
175 of 217
Book 20:
What are the signs that the gods think that the suitors should die?
What are the signs that the gods think that the suitors should die?
meat seems to rot as it cooked
Zeus' thunder
Athena's help
meat seems to rot as it cooked
Zeus' thunder
Athena's help
176 of 217
Who is Philoetius?
the loyal cowherd
177 of 217
What does the bow's connection with
Odysseus signify?
Odysseus signify?
the bow is associated with Heracles
Suggests that Odysseus and Heracles are on a par with each other
Suggests that Odysseus and Heracles are on a par with each other
178 of 217
What happens when Telemachus tries to string the bow?
What does this mean?
What does this mean?
Fails to string the bow 3 times
the 4th time he almost succeeds but Odysseus tells him not to
- almost as good as Odysseus
-Journey to kleos close to the end
-Odysseus did not want him to give hope to the suitors?
-Did not want him to be better than him?
the 4th time he almost succeeds but Odysseus tells him not to
- almost as good as Odysseus
-Journey to kleos close to the end
-Odysseus did not want him to give hope to the suitors?
-Did not want him to be better than him?
179 of 217
Book 21:
Why is Telemachus rude to Penelope?
Why is Telemachus rude to Penelope?
to get her to leave the banquet hall
180 of 217
Book 21:
Which suitor shows that the suitors are not a monolith?
Which suitor shows that the suitors are not a monolith?
reasonable about his failure to string the bow
reasonable about his failure to string the bow
181 of 217
How does Odysseus string the bow?
with great skill and ease
not even getting up from his stool
not even getting up from his stool
182 of 217
What sound does the bow make?
What does this sound symbolise?
What does this sound symbolise?
the bow makes a sound like a swallow.
swallows are migratory birds - symbolises Odysseus' migration home
swallows are migratory birds - symbolises Odysseus' migration home
183 of 217
Describe Antinous' death.
What is fitting about it?
What do the suitors think has happened?
What is fitting about it?
What do the suitors think has happened?
the second arrow that Odysseus fires goes through Antinous' throat while he is drinking, food goes everywhere <-- a reminder of his abuse of xenia
the other suitors think it was an accident
the other suitors think it was an accident
184 of 217
Book 22:
What crimes does Odysseus attribute to the suitors?
What crimes does Odysseus attribute to the suitors?
- fleecing his household
- ****** his maids
- courting Penelope
- ****** his maids
- courting Penelope
185 of 217
Book 22:
How does Eurymachus try to get out of the situation in the banquet hall?
What is Odysseus' response?
How does Eurymachus try to get out of the situation in the banquet hall?
What is Odysseus' response?
Eurymachus tries to lay all the blame at Antinous' feet. He promises that the suitors will make amends.
Odysseus says that he would kill the suitors no matter how much they gave him.
Odysseus says that he would kill the suitors no matter how much they gave him.
186 of 217
How is Eurymachus killed?
He is shot through the liver, scattering food everywhere as he dies
187 of 217
Book 22:
Who does Telemachus kill?
Who does Telemachus kill?
He kills Amphinimous with a spear between the shoulder blades.
He leaves the spear in the body and goes to get armour.
He leaves the spear in the body and goes to get armour.
188 of 217
Book 22:
What mistake does Telemachus make and what are the consequences?
What mistake does Telemachus make and what are the consequences?
He leaves the door to the storeroom open.
Melanthius then gets weapons from there to give to the suitors
Melanthius then gets weapons from there to give to the suitors
189 of 217
Book 22:
What happens to Melanthius?
What happens to Melanthius?
Odysseus orders for Melanthius to be tied up and tortured in the storeroom. Eumaeus and Philoetius do this and jeer at him. He is tortured to death after the battle
190 of 217
Book 22:
Who does Athena appear as ?
what does she say?
Who does Athena appear as ?
what does she say?
She appears as Mentor
She rebukes Odysseus for not yet showing great prowess,perhaps making it more difficult for him, so that victory will be sweeter and kleos greater
She rebukes Odysseus for not yet showing great prowess,perhaps making it more difficult for him, so that victory will be sweeter and kleos greater
191 of 217
Book 22:
How does Athena 'save' Odysseus?
How does Athena 'save' Odysseus?
after rebuking him,, she flies to the rafters as a swallow and makes it so that the suitor's spears cannot touch him
192 of 217
What happens to Leodes?
Odysseus decapitates him whilst he is hugging his knees in supplication
193 of 217
Book 22:
Who does Odysseus spare?
Who does Odysseus spare?
Medon the herald
Phemius the bard
they are unwilling servants of the suitors
Phemius the bard
they are unwilling servants of the suitors
194 of 217
Book 22:
Why does Odysseus rebuke Eurycleia?
Why does Odysseus rebuke Eurycleia?
she boasts and rejoices over
the bodies of the slain
the bodies of the slain
195 of 217
What happens to the maids?
they are made to clean the hall and move the bodies of the dead.
Odysseus orders them to be killed with the sword, but Telemachus has them hung instead as it is a less honourable death
Odysseus orders them to be killed with the sword, but Telemachus has them hung instead as it is a less honourable death
196 of 217
What is the epic simile used to describe the suitors in the banquet hall?
stampeding cattle attacked by vultures and
hunted by men
hunted by men
197 of 217
How does Odysseus hide the slaughter of the suitors from the people of Ithaca?
With a fake wedding party
198 of 217
How does Penelope trick Odysseus into revealing himself?
a throw away comment about moving the bed sends him into a rage.
199 of 217
Book 23:
How does Athena prolong the reconciliation of Odysseus and Penelope?
How does Athena prolong the reconciliation of Odysseus and Penelope?
she stops time by not letting Eos yoke the horses of the sun
Lampus and Phaethon
Lampus and Phaethon
200 of 217
When telling Penelope of his travels, who does Odysseus not mention?
What does he emphasise?
What does he emphasise?
Does not mention Circe
Emphasises how it was Calypso who wanted
him to stay
Emphasises how it was Calypso who wanted
him to stay
201 of 217
Where does Odysseus go at
the end of Book 23?
the end of Book 23?
to see Laertes
202 of 217
What is Nausicaa doing when she meets Odysseus?
Playing with a ball after washing her clothes
203 of 217
Who does Odysseus speak to
in the Underworld?
in the Underworld?
204 of 217
Which book of the Odyssey is disputed by many scholars?
Book 24
205 of 217
Book 24:
Who does Laertes kill?
Who does Laertes kill?
Antinous' father
206 of 217
Who tells the Odysseus, Telemachus and Laertes to stop fighting the suitor's families?
Zeus sends a thunderbolt to stop them
207 of 217
Reasons you can sympathise with the suitors?
The brutality of their deaths
Not a monolith e.g Amphinimous is liked by Penelope
Do not force Penelope to make a descision
Their greiving families
their spirits in the Underworld
Not a monolith e.g Amphinimous is liked by Penelope
Do not force Penelope to make a descision
Their greiving families
their spirits in the Underworld
208 of 217
Book 11:
What does Odysseus' meeting with his mother
say about his personality?
What does Odysseus' meeting with his mother
say about his personality?
reveals that he feels emotions deeply
has respect for his parents
concern for his family
concern for his own kleos and that of his son
has respect for his parents
concern for his family
concern for his own kleos and that of his son
209 of 217
When are Odysseus' links with bards strongest?
at the height of the action, Homer uses parallel imagery of Odysseus stringing the bow and a bard stringing a lyre
210 of 217
Who is sent to Calypso to tell her to release Odysseus?
211 of 217
Approximately how many lines of the Odyssey are in direct speech?
8000/12000 lines
212 of 217
Valuing a hero's achievement through gifts and public praise
213 of 217
Elements of a Homeric hero?
Noble birth
Physical strenght and beauty
Excellence in war
Excellence with words
Physical strenght and beauty
Excellence in war
Excellence with words
214 of 217
How many of the suitors are from Ithaca?
215 of 217
Reasons that Scherie might not be a Utopian society?
1. Little affection for stangers (Odysseus must hide
2. No contact with others despite being great sailors
3. Alcinous must be reminded that a supplicant should not be left sitting in the heart
4. Arete tells Odysseus to secure his gifts lest they are sto
2. No contact with others despite being great sailors
3. Alcinous must be reminded that a supplicant should not be left sitting in the heart
4. Arete tells Odysseus to secure his gifts lest they are sto
216 of 217
Example of time being rushed vs. time being dwelt upon.
17 days at sea = 1 line
3 days with Phaeacians = 3 books
3 days with Phaeacians = 3 books
217 of 217
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What meter are the Odyssey and Illiad ?
Dactylic hexameter
Card 3
Why is there no background on the Trojan wars given by Homer?

Card 4
What is the Homeric Question?

Card 5
When was the text of the Odyssey standardised?

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