OCR AS PE response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity

  • Created by: Trudy
  • Created on: 21-05-13 14:13
what does the respiratory system do
take in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide in the lungs
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what does the heart do
receives blood from the lungs and acting as a double pump forces the blood around vascular system to the lungs and body tissues/muscles
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what does the vascular system do
blood and blood vessels which transport and direct oxygen/carbon dioxide to and from the lungs, heart and body tissues/muscles
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first step of the hearts conduction system
cardiac impulse initiated from SA(sinoatrial) node in the right atrium
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second step of the hearts conduction system
impulse passes through the right and left atrium walls to AV node, causing both atria to contract (atrial systole)
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3/4th step of the hearts conduction system
AV node conducts impulse down the through bundle of hiss
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5th step of the hearts conduction system
impulse that was sent down the bundle of hiss goes down through the left and right bundle branches to apex of the heart.
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6th step of the hearts conduction system
impulse travels up around the ventricle wall via purkinjie fibres, causing both ventricles to contract (ventricular systole)
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what happens at diastole
both atria fill with blood (av valves closed), atrial blood pressure rises above ventricular pressure, rising blood pressure forces AV valves to open so blood passively passes into both ventricles. semi lunar valves closed.
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what happens at atrial systole
both atria contract forcing remaining blood into the ventricles- semi lunar valves closed.
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what happens at ventricular systole
both ventricles contract increasing pressure,aortic and pulmonary valves force open (AV valves closed), blood forced out of aorta and pulmonary artery.
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what is heart rate
the no. of times the heart ventricles beat in one minute.
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how is maximal heart rate calculated
220-age= max heart rate
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what is bradycardia
resting heart rate below 60bpm
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what is hypertrophy
increase in size/thickness of the heart muscle wall
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what is stroke volume
the volume of blood ejected by heart ventricles per beat.
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what is end diastolic volume
the volume of blood left in the ventricles at then end of relaxation/filling stage of the cardiac cycle (diastole)
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what is end systolic volume
is the volume of blood left in the ventricles at then of the contraction/emptying stage of the cardiac cycle (systole)
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what is cardiac output
volume of blood ejected by the hearts ventricles in one minute
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how do you calculate cardiac output
stroke volume x heart rate
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what is resting, sub maximal and maximal stroke volume values
resting=60/80ml sub maximal=80/100ml (untrained) 160/200ml (trained). maximal= 100/120ml (untrained) 160/200ml(trained)
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what is resting, sub maximal and maximal heart rate values
resting= 70/72bpm submaximal= 100/130bpm maximal= 220-age
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what is resting, submaximal and maximal cardiacoutput values
resting= 5l/min sub maximal= up to 10ml/min maximal 20-40 l/min
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what is the cardiac control centre responsible for
regulating heart rate via the stimulation of the SA node
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where is the cardiac control centre found
medulla oblongata
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what is meant by the autonomic nervous system
controls the body's involuntary internal functions
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what is the cardiac control centre controlled by
autonomic nervous system
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what does the autonomic nervous system consist of
sensory and motor nerves from either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system
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what are sensory nerves
transmit information detected by receptors towards the central nervous system
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what is motor nerves
nerves from the central nervous system passing instructions to body parts
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what are the 3 main factors that affect the activity of the CCC
neural control, hormonal control and intrinsic control
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what do sympathetic nerves do
increase heart rate
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what do parasympathetic nerves do
decrease heart rate
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what neural, hormonal and intrinsic factors increase heart rate
chemorecptors(neural), propioceptors(neural), increase in temperture(intrinsic) adrenalin(hormonal), increase in venous return(intrinsic)
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what neural factor decreases heart rate
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what does the heart do


receives blood from the lungs and acting as a double pump forces the blood around vascular system to the lungs and body tissues/muscles

Card 3


what does the vascular system do


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


first step of the hearts conduction system


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


second step of the hearts conduction system


Preview of the front of card 5
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