Oceans on the edge 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyOceans on the edgeGCSEEdexcel Created by: ellieunique1Created on: 15-07-15 18:22 Three threats to coral reefs overfishing, unmanaged costal development and human actions 1 of 6 Difference between local threat and global threat? A local threat is created by local people e.g overfishing A global threat is created by everyone e.g burning fossil fuels 2 of 6 Impact of climate change to coral reefs High temp= mass coral bleaching 3 of 6 Three human threats to coral reefs Deforestation, tourist development, sewage disposal 4 of 6 What is a mangrove? A ecosystem of trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats 5 of 6 Describe a mangrove A 6 of 6
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