OCD 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyObsessive compulsive disordersA2/A-levelAQA Created by: __JessCreated on: 18-05-23 18:55 What approach is used to explain and treat OCD? Biological approach 1 of 16 Who found that of his OCD patients, 37% of their parents also had OCD? Lewis 2 of 16 Does OCD have candidate genes? Yes 3 of 16 What does polygenic mean? When a disorder is defined by multiple genes, rather than just one 4 of 16 What does aetiologically heterogenous mean? A number of different combinations of genes can lead to a disorder 5 of 16 Is the diathesis-stress model applicable to OCD? Yes 6 of 16 Who found that there may be 230 different genes associated with OCD? Taylor 7 of 16 Which gene regulates dopamine? COMT 8 of 16 What part of the brain may be abnormal in a person with OCD, causing impaired decision-making? Frontal lobe 9 of 16 Who found that 68% of MZ twins shared OCD, compared to 31% of DZ twins? Nestadt et al 10 of 16 Who found that environmental factors may actually play a part in OCD, as over half their sample had suffered a traumatic event? Cromer et al 11 of 16 What other disorder is caused by low levels of serotonin? Depression 12 of 16 What drugs can be used to treat OCD? SSRIs 13 of 16 What is the older type of anti-depressant which can still be used to treat OCD? Tricylics 14 of 16 What is the newer type of anti-depressant which can be used to increase serotonin and noradrenaline? SNRIs 15 of 16 What is the name of the orbitofrontal cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus together? Worry circuit 16 of 16
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