Obtaining Finance 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesPutting a Business Idea Into PractiseGCSEEdexcel Created by: mollycharlottekCreated on: 17-11-16 09:04 Targets expressed in money terms such as making a profit, earning income Financial Objective 1 of 8 Costs which do not vary with the output produced such as rent Fixed Costs 2 of 8 The flow of cash into and out of a business Cash Flow 3 of 8 Materials that a business holds. Some used in production process or ready to be sold Stock 4 of 8 A part ownership in a business Share 5 of 8 A sum of money given which has to be paid back Loan 6 of 8 What is Total Revenue - Total Costs the formula for ? Profit 7 of 8 Wages, bills and equipment are all examples of... Short term Finance 8 of 8
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