Nur ad-Din

When did Nur ad-Din rule?
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What place did he unite and conquer?
United Syria and conquered Egypt in 1169
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When did he take control of Aleppo?
After the death of his father, Zengi, in 1146. His older brother, Saif ad-Din assumed control of Mosul
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What happened in the Battle of Inab?
1149- Nur ad-Din captured Edessa and his power-base in northern Syria, defeating Raymond of Antioch. Raymond’s head was sent to the Caliph in Baghdad.
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What did Nur ad-Din secure after the Battle of Inab?
Further victories over Antioch, capturing Apamea and Harim - effectively pushing back Antioch to the coastal strips west of the river Orestes
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When did he capture Damascus?
In 1154. For the first time since the Crusades began Aleppo and Damascus were under the control of one man, uniting Syria
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What did Nur ad-Din do after uniting Syria?
He made a truce with the Crusaders and began to build Jihad.
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What did Nur ad-Din ensure his army remained?
Religious men. Between 1154 and 1163 he paid for a range of new religious buildings in Damascus and other Syrian towns. Many of his new Mosques, Minarets and Madrasas (religious buildings) had his name inscribed on their walls.
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What did he complete in 1163?
His House of Justice where he would sometimes act as a judge, cementing his image as a model Sunni Muslim ruler committed to Jihad.
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What happened to him in 1157-58?
He became seriously ill, and his recover deepened his religious beliefs.
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What did he perform in 1161?
The Haji (pilgrimage to Mecca) and rebuilt the walls of Medina, Islam’s holiest city.
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What could he not prevent?
The revival of the Crusader states in the period 1154-63.
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What happened in 1153?
Baldwin III recaptured the port of Ascalon.
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What happened in 1158?
Antioch, under the leadership of Reynald de Chatillon recaptured Harim.
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Why did relations between the Crusader States and Byzantine Empire strengthen?
Manuel I’d Brice, Theodora married Baldwin III in 1158
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What gave Nur ad-Din the incentive to capture Shi’a Egypt?
The death of Baldwin III in 1163. He wanted to unite it with Sunni Syria.
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When was Egypt captured?
In 1169 by his Kurdish general, Shirkuh. Between 1169 and 1171 his forces consolidated their grip over Egypt against the resistance by King Almaric of Jerusalem
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What had Nur ad-Din succeeded in doing?
Capturing Egypt and encircling the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Saladin would later capitalise on this.
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What did not happen during his reign?
The Crusader states remained I conquered. Also, he had lost control of his Kurdish Generals who were keen to establish a new dynasty, the Ayyubids, covering Iraq, Syria and Egypt.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What place did he unite and conquer?


United Syria and conquered Egypt in 1169

Card 3


When did he take control of Aleppo?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened in the Battle of Inab?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Nur ad-Din secure after the Battle of Inab?


Preview of the front of card 5
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