It is found in stems, leaves, leaf stalks, the outside layers of seeds and beans and the peel on fruits and vegetables
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Where is pectin found and what can it be used for?
It is found in fruits such as plums, apples and blackcurrants and is the substance that makes jam set
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What are the two types of NSP?
Soluble and insoluble
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What are two functions of soluble fibre?
It slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, and controls blood sugar levels (which helps us stop being hungry)
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What does soluble fibre reduce our risk of?
It reduces blood cholesterol, which can reduce our risk of CHD
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What are some good food sources of soluble fibre?
Good food sources include oats, beans, peas, lentils and fruit and vegetables (both fresh and dried)
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What does insoluble fibre do when added to water?
It absorbs water and increases in bulk
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What are two functions of insoluble fibre?
It helps stool remain soft and bulky, and keeps the gut in good working order
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What are some good food sources of insoluble fibre?
Good food sources include whole grain cereals, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta
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Name three diseases that you can develop if you do not eat enough fibre
Bowel cancer, constipation and diverticular disease
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Where and why is bowel cancer developed?
A low fibre diet can increase the risk of developing cancer in the intestines
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Why do people suffering from constipation feel bloated, tired and unwell?
This is because their body wants to get rid of the waste products that it cannot use and could cause harm to the body
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What is diverticular disease?
It is when the faeces cause the lining of the intestine to become irritated and damaged
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What are the symptoms of diverticular disease caused by?
The symptoms of pain and discomfort are caused by the development of small pouches in the lining, which become infected with bacteria
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What does raw wheat bran contain?
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What do phytates do in the body?
Phytates bind to minerals like iron and calcium and prevent the body from absorbing them effectively; this makes them unavailable, which could lead to a deficiency
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