Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Statutes

  • Created by: Edward
  • Created on: 23-02-16 09:54
s 39 of Criminal Justice Act 2009
offence of assault and battery
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s 47 OAPA 1861
assault occasioning ABH- requires proof of an assault or battery, which causes actual bodily harm
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s 20 OAPA 1861
maliciously wounding or inflicting gbh - requires the def to unlawfully and maliciously would or inflict any GBH upon another person with/without a weapon or instrument
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s 18 OAPA 1861
wounding or inflicting gbh with intent - requires a def to unlawfully and maliciously wound or cause any GBH to any person with intent to do some GBH to any person, or with intent to resist arrest, or prevent the lawful apprehension or detaining of a
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assault occasioning ABH- requires proof of an assault or battery, which causes actual bodily harm


s 47 OAPA 1861

Card 3


maliciously wounding or inflicting gbh - requires the def to unlawfully and maliciously would or inflict any GBH upon another person with/without a weapon or instrument


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Card 4


wounding or inflicting gbh with intent - requires a def to unlawfully and maliciously wound or cause any GBH to any person with intent to do some GBH to any person, or with intent to resist arrest, or prevent the lawful apprehension or detaining of a


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