Networks and web technologies
Summary from the chapter in the OCR textbook :)
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- Created by: KirstyEm
- Created on: 19-11-20 20:40
What is the internet?
A network of networks that allow for global communication
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What is the World Wide Web?
A collection of web pages on the internet
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What is a internet service provider?
connect to backbone cables and then distribute internet connections to smaller providers.
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What is a Uniform Resource Locator?
the full address of an internet resource. Specifies the location on the internet.
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What is a internet registrar?
holds records of all existing website names that are available to be purchased. Resell domain names.
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What are internet registries?
5 global companies that have databases to hold records of all domain names currently issued.
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What is a domain name ?
the area a internet resource is in
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What is a domain name system?
A database that holds the URL against its associated IP address
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How are domain name systems used?
When a user inputs a URL, the browser requests its corresponding IP address from a local DNS. It is then passed through DNS's until the IP is found.
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What is a IP Address?
Internet Protocol address is a unique address that is assigned to a network device.
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Why are IP address used?
to indicate where packets of data is being sent from & to. So Routers can direct packets.
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What is a Wide area network(WAN)?
a network of interconnected networks (connected LANS) over a large geographical area.
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What is a Local Area Network(LAN)?
number of devices connected together by cables over a small geographical area
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Give a benefit and drawback of LAN.
Advantage: LANs can transmit data very fast
Disadvantage: it only transmits data over a short distance
Disadvantage: it only transmits data over a short distance
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What is a Bus Topology
when all computers are connected to a single cable. It has terminators at the end of cable.
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Advantages of bus topology
Cheap to install = requires less cables = easy to add devices
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Drawbacks of bus topology
If main cable fails, no data can be transmitted
Performance drops in heavy traffic
Low security, all computers can see all the transmissions
Performance drops in heavy traffic
Low security, all computers can see all the transmissions
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What is the star topology?
Network has a central node that transmits messages to the devices.
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Advantages of star topology
can isolate faults if one cable fails
consistent performance in heavy traffic
higher transmission speed than bus topology
no data collisions
easy to add new devices
consistent performance in heavy traffic
higher transmission speed than bus topology
no data collisions
easy to add new devices
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Disadvantages of star topology
costly to install (length of cable needed)
if central device goes down, all data transmission stops
if central device goes down, all data transmission stops
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Physical VS logical topology
Physical topology- actual design layout
Logical topology- shape of pathway that data travels
Logical topology- shape of pathway that data travels
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What is wifi?
Wireless technology that allows devices to connect wirelessly by using a WAP
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What is a Wireless Access Point?
usually connects to a router. A WAP gives off frequencies to transmit to stations
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What is a mesh topology?
Each node has a connection to every other node so data can be transmitted across any node.
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Advantages of mesh topology
no cabling costs
self healing - the more nodes installed=more reliable the network
new nodes automatically incorporated into the network
faster communication as there is no switch to go through
self healing - the more nodes installed=more reliable the network
new nodes automatically incorporated into the network
faster communication as there is no switch to go through
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URL Format
Method. EG) http://
Host. EG)WWW
Location EG)webpage.html
Resource EG) #element
Host. EG)WWW
Location EG)webpage.html
Resource EG) #element
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What is circuit switching?
Creates direct link between two devices when communicating. EG)Phone line.
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Disadvantages of circuit switching
Bandwidth is wasted during the periods where no data is sent
can only connect devices with the same transfer rate
can only connect devices with the same transfer rate
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Advantage of Circuit Switching
as it is a direct connection so packets arrive in the same order that they were sent = simplifies reconstruction process
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Disadvantage of Circuit Switching
Easy to intercept data = security threat
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What is packet switching?
a method of communicating packets of data across a network
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What are data packets?
data that is broken into small manageable chunks. Contains a header(IPs & protocol used) and payload(actual data) and trailer(checksum).
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How do packets route across the internet?
Packets passed by different routes (router finds best route to pass onto)
fastest / least trafficked route is taken and then reassembled on the receiving end.
fastest / least trafficked route is taken and then reassembled on the receiving end.
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What is a router?
routers are used to connect networks
Hop- going between routers
routers find the most efficient routes
share the same protocols
Hop- going between routers
routers find the most efficient routes
share the same protocols
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What is a gateway?
a gateway can be used to translate between networks with different protocols
moves data towards their destination
moves data towards their destination
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What is a media access control(MAC) address?
each NIC has a unique mac address which uniquely identifies the device
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What is a Network Interface Card(NIC)?
a NIC is needed to be able to be part of the network
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What is a Protocol?
A set of rules defining common methods of communication. Rules set a standard for all devices for them to communicate with eachover
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What is a TCP/IP protocol stack?
enables communication for computers regardless of location across the internet
set of networking protocols that work together as 4 layers connect.
set of networking protocols that work together as 4 layers connect.
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What does TCP/IP stand for?
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
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What are the 4 layers of TCP/IP protocol stack?
1. Application
2. Transport
3. Internet
2. Transport
3. Internet
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What is the application layer?
Uses protocols relating to the application being used to transmit data over a network
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What is the transport layer?
establish end-to-end connections with the receiving computer. Data split into packets
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What is the internet layer?
Adds IP addresses. Routers use IP address to get packets to destinations.
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What is the link layer?
a physical connection between network nodes and MAC addresses to identify NIC of computer.
MAC addresses stripped off the link layer and then packets passed back up through the layers
MAC addresses stripped off the link layer and then packets passed back up through the layers
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What is File Transfer Protocol(FTP)?
efficient way to transfer data across networks
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What is the role of mail server in retrieving and sending emails?
POP3- responsible for retrieving emails from a mail server and stores it in upcoming emails.
IMAP- email protocol designed to keep emails on the server
SMTP-is used to transfer outgoing emails from one server to another from sender to receiver.
IMAP- email protocol designed to keep emails on the server
SMTP-is used to transfer outgoing emails from one server to another from sender to receiver.
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What is HyperText Markup Language?
HTML is a language that webpages are written in (describes page content)
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What is Cascade Style sheets?
CSS is used that is dedicated to the style and format of the web page
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What are the tags for HTML opening and closing?
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What 2 tags are a normal HTML webpage split into?
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What is the HTML tag for titles and headings?
<h1></h1> ect
<h1></h1> ect
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What is the HTML tag for a new paragraph?
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What is the HTML tag for images?
<img src= >
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What is the HTML tag for hyperlinks?
<a href="">Linkkk</a>
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What is the HTML tag for numbered lists?
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What is the HTML tag for bullet point lists
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What is the HTML tag for each item in a list
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What is the HTML tag for dividing a page into separate areas?
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What is embedded/internal/inline CSS?
CSS script is added directly into the HTML document with style tags for one off adjustments
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What us External CSS?
When a link to an external CSS sheet is added to a HTML code.
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How would you add an external css sheet?
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
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How is an identifier used?
uses a # before an ID name
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How are classes used?
uses a . as a prefix to a class name
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how would you write a CSS in an external sheet?
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What does a web form do?
enables a website to collect user input data
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Layout an example of a HTML form code
<form action="process.php" action="post">
<label>enter name</label>
<input type="text" id="name" value=""/>
<button type="submit">enter</submit>
<label>enter name</label>
<input type="text" id="name" value=""/>
<button type="submit">enter</submit>
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What does a HTML submit button do
Sends data to a form handler in the attribute specified in the form tag
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What is JavaScript?
a script language that adds interactivity to webpages.
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What translator does Javascript use?
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What tags is JavaScript code in?
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how do you write directly into a webpage document with JavaScript?
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How do you display an alert box on JavaScript?
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How are functions declared in JavaScript?
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How are validation functions done on javascript?
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What is client server networking?
when one or more computer(client) is connected to a powerful central computer
each client holds its own resources
clients can also accsess resources held by server
in large networks each client can hold different tasks
each client holds its own resources
clients can also accsess resources held by server
in large networks each client can hold different tasks
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Advantages of client server networking
security = all files stored centrally = assess to rights managed by server
backups centrally
data can be shared
backups centrally
data can be shared
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Disadvantages of client server networking
Expensive to install
IT staff needed to maintain and run network
IT staff needed to maintain and run network
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What is cloud computing?
provides accsess to files via the intenet
uses a client server model
Eg. OneDrive
uses a client server model
Eg. OneDrive
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What is peer to peer networks?
no central server, each computer is connected to each over on a network. Can share files
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Advantages of peer to peer networks
cheap to set up
can share resources
easy to maintain
can share resources
easy to maintain
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Disadvantages of peer to peer networks
used for online piracy
impossible to trace files
implications in movie industries(lower money to reinvent into new movies)
impossible to trace files
implications in movie industries(lower money to reinvent into new movies)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the World Wide Web?
A collection of web pages on the internet
Card 3
What is a internet service provider?

Card 4
What is a Uniform Resource Locator?

Card 5
What is a internet registrar?

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