Networking & Data Transmission 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingCommunication and networkingA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: IqbalKhanCreated on: 28-03-18 09:52 This is the most common protocol used in modern network transmission. TCP/IP 1 of 9 This protocol allows text and images to be viewed and transmitted over the network. Usually used on a web browser. HTTP 2 of 9 This is a standardised network protocol that is used for assigning dynamic IP addresses to devices on a network. DHCP 3 of 9 This protocol provides an unreliable communication channel with a minimal level of features. Video conferencing usually uses this protocol. UDP 4 of 9 I am a piece of hardware that allows a computer to connect to a computer network Network Interface Card 5 of 9 In order to set up a communication link, both devices need to agree on a set of protocols to use. This is known as ......... Handshaking 6 of 9 I am a dedicated path across a network that all packets are sent in order down the same route. Circuit switching 7 of 9 I measure how much data can be fitted onto a cable at any point in time. Bandwidth 8 of 9 The typical content of a packet are source and destination addresses, order number of packet, the data itself and ....... Error control bit 9 of 9
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