The processing capability of a computer; how fast a computer can perform an operation
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computer system
All the components that make up a complete, working computer, e.g. hardware, software, peripherals
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handshake process
The process by which a sender on a network alerts a receiver of a coming message and the protocol that is going to be used, e.g. between a computer and printer to establish if it is ready to receive transmitted data
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A connection device that works at a device level, it connects multiple computers (via the NICs) together on a network and allows them all to share transmitted data
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IP address
An identifying address, unique to each computer, that is mapped to the NIC and allows computers to send messages and files across the network
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media access control address
A unique 12-digit hexadecimal number given to every device when it is manufactured
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
All the components that make up a complete, working computer, e.g. hardware, software, peripherals
computer system
Card 3
The process by which a sender on a network alerts a receiver of a coming message and the protocol that is going to be used, e.g. between a computer and printer to establish if it is ready to receive transmitted data
Card 4
A connection device that works at a device level, it connects multiple computers (via the NICs) together on a network and allows them all to share transmitted data
Card 5
An identifying address, unique to each computer, that is mapped to the NIC and allows computers to send messages and files across the network
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