Since when did the Party become split over economic policy?
1 of 10
What debates were merged together?
Debates on how to manage the economy were merged together with idealogical debates on Marxism and Leninism
2 of 10
When was NEP introduced, and who introduced it?
Lenin introduced NEP in 1921
3 of 10
Why was NEP a divergence from Marxist theory?
It allowed private enterprise which contradicted revoultionary socialism
4 of 10
Why did Lenin's successors struggle to grapple with his legacy after NEP?
Was NEP a temporary tactic to be discarded ASAP, or was it permissible to keep to and rebuild the economy as a precursor to full socialism given Russia's backwards conditions?
5 of 10
Who were the leaders on the 'Left' who wanted to abandon NEP?
Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev
6 of 10
Who were the leaders on the 'Right' who wanted to conitnue with NEP?
Rykov, Tomsky and Bukharin
7 of 10
Stalin flipped between 'Left' and 'Right'. Up to 1925, what side was Stalin on?
8 of 10
Stalin supported the continuation of NEP up to what year?
9 of 10
When did Stalin switch to a policy of replacing NEP with a revolutionary surge towards rapid industrialisation and collectivisation of agriculture?
1928 to 1929
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What debates were merged together?
Debates on how to manage the economy were merged together with idealogical debates on Marxism and Leninism
Card 3
When was NEP introduced, and who introduced it?
Card 4
Why was NEP a divergence from Marxist theory?
Card 5
Why did Lenin's successors struggle to grapple with his legacy after NEP?
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