Nazi Germany 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSEEdexcel Created by: JemmaCreated on: 19-12-12 10:38 1919 The weimar Republic was set up and the Treaty of Versailles. 1 of 6 1920 The Kapp Putsch and the setting up of the Nazi Party - Spartacist Uprising. 2 of 6 1923 French Occupation of the Ruhr, Hyperinflations and the Munich Putsch. 3 of 6 1929 The Wall Street Crash and the death of Streseman. 4 of 6 1933 Hitler appointed chancellor. 5 of 6 1934 Hitler becomes Der Fuhrer. 6 of 6
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