Nazi Germany.
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- Created by: Jessica1996
- Created on: 26-04-14 09:43
Who was the Armistice arranged by?
Hindenburg and Ludendorff.
1 of 119
How much reparations did Germany have to pay as part of the Treaty of Versailles?
2 of 119
How much land/population did they lose? How much was their army reduced to?
Lost 13% territory, 12% land and army reduced to 100k.
3 of 119
When did Hitler become the chairman of the NSDAP?
4 of 119
When was the Spartacist uprising?
Jan 1919.
5 of 119
When the Wall Street Crash happened how many people were unemployed?
1 in 3.
6 of 119
What does the Power of the Will mean?
Hitler would do anything to in order to achieve his aims.
7 of 119
What is Social Darwinism/Master Race?
Hitler thought there's a hierarchy of beings, and Aryans should be at the top as a Master Race.
8 of 119
What does Volksgemeinschaft mean?
Everyone should work towards a People's Community.
9 of 119
How would you describe National Socialism?
NSDAP had radical policies e.g. confiscation of war profits.
10 of 119
Define: Anti-Democracy and belief in dictatorship.
People related democracy to something weak, citizens wanted a traditional authoritarian leader again.
11 of 119
What is Aggressive Nationalism?
Reverse humiliation of Treaty of Versailles - get their lands back to secure Lebensraum.
12 of 119
Give examples of some positive stereotypes.
Women - childbearers/stay at home. Aryans - tall, blond, wide hips.
13 of 119
Give examples of negative stereotypes.
Homosexuals - goes against nature. Jews - responsible for Germany's . Crime to pass on a disease that resulted in a disability.
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What was the 'Stab-in-the Back'?
Ludendorff persuaded Kaiser to abdicate, armistice agreed, Ludendorff blames defeat on government and democracy.
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When did the German Revolution happen?
16 of 119
When was Weimar Government established?
August 1919.
17 of 119
When was the Munich Putsch?
18 of 119
How many armed Nazis were there?
19 of 119
How many Nazis were killed?
20 of 119
Which prison was Hitler kept at?
21 of 119
How big was the membership of the SA by 1933?
22 of 119
During the economic crisis how many where unemployed and by when?
January 1932 - 6.1 million.
23 of 119
How big was Hitler's party's membership by 1929?
24 of 119
Between May and September 1930 how much do the votes increase by?
May - 2.6% Sept - 18.3%.
25 of 119
How many seats/% vote did Nazis get in elections of July 1932?
230 setas, 37.3% votes.
26 of 119
How many people had passed the public speaking training school and in what year?
6000 by 1933.
27 of 119
Who was the SA led by?
Ernst Rohm.
28 of 119
When was the Reichstag Fire?
February 27th 1933.
29 of 119
5th March Elections, how big of a turnout was there/
30 of 119
How much did the % vote of Nazis increase by, and how many seats had they won?
33.1% to 43.9% - 288 seats.
31 of 119
When did the Reichstag meet at the Kroll Opera House to discuss the Enabling Act?
23 March 1933.
32 of 119
How many votes did they get in order to pass the Enabling Act?
33 of 119
What did the 31st March 1933 Law entail?
Regional parliaments dissolved, then reformed Nazified.
34 of 119
What did the 7th April 1933 Law entail?
Established Reich Governors.
35 of 119
What happened in January 1934 to federal states?
Regional parliaments abolished.
36 of 119
When did they declare a national holiday?
1st May.
37 of 119
What happened on the 2nd May?
SA & ** occupied Trade Unions.
38 of 119
How many DAF members were there and who was it lead by?
22 million & Robert Ley.
39 of 119
When was the SPD part banned?
22nd June.
40 of 119
By when did the other parties willingly dissolve?
Late June 1933.
41 of 119
When did the Night of the Long Knives happen?
30th June 1934.
42 of 119
How many were murdered?
43 of 119
When was it compulsory for civil servants to join party?
44 of 119
What was the Nacht and Nebel?
Seize any person thought to be dangerous.
45 of 119
What % of people did the Nazis get rid of with the Law for Restoration of Public Civil Service?
46 of 119
How many suspects were taken into 'protective custody' in July 1933, compared to 1939.
1933 - 25k, 1939 - 162k.
47 of 119
How many Gestapo officers did Frankfurt have?
48 of 119
What % of investigations stemmed from voluntary denunciations?
49 of 119
When was Kristallnacht?
50 of 119
When did Schact develop the New Plan?
51 of 119
When did Goering develop the Four Year Plan?
52 of 119
In what year did they collect scrap metal from people's homes?
53 of 119
What figure demonstrates how much they relied on foreign imports for raw materials?
54 of 119
How many tonnes of coal did it take to produce 1 tonne of oil?
55 of 119
How many spectators could the stadium be capable of holding?
56 of 119
Where did the Nazis come in the league table?
57 of 119
Who was the real star of the 1936 Olympic Games?
Jesse Owens.
58 of 119
When was Potsdam Day?
21st March 1933.
59 of 119
By the late 1930s what % of Germans admired Hitler?
60 of 119
Who was the leader of the Ministry of Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda?
Josef Goebbels.
61 of 119
Who were children encouraged to denounce teachers who criticized the regime to?
62 of 119
Who approved textbooks?
Education Ministry.
63 of 119
By 1935 how many Jews/Communists had lost their journalist jobs?
64 of 119
Membership of Hitler Youth in 1936?
Almost 6 million.
65 of 119
What was the 'People's Receiver'?
A short-wave radio that reached directly into people's homes.
66 of 119
By 1939 what % of German households owned one?
67 of 119
What was Communal Radio Listening?
Sirens would sound and everybody would have to stop work to listen to Hitler's speeches broadcasted on radio.
68 of 119
How much did cinema attendance rise by?
69 of 119
What was the Combat League for German Culture?
Competed for control over cultural policies.
70 of 119
What was the DNB?
State-controlled news agency that gave daily directives on what newspapers could/couldn't print.
71 of 119
What was the Frankfurter Zeitung?
Long-established, liberal-leaning newspaper - replaced by I.G. Farben once it took an anti-Nazi approach.
72 of 119
What were the Volkisch Operas?
Music to arouse patriotic and nationalist feeling.
73 of 119
What was the Eternal Jew?
A anti-Semitic propaganda film which documented Jews as uncivilised.
74 of 119
What was the Triumph of the Will?
Documented 1934 Nuremberg Rally - showed world Hitler's power and strength of leadership.
75 of 119
Who was Richard Strauss?
One of Germany's leading composers. President of Reich Music Chamber.
76 of 119
When were other youth organisations banned by?
77 of 119
When was Hitler Youth compulsory?
78 of 119
By which year had 100k BDM members attended youth camps?
79 of 119
What was the estimated membership of Edelweiss Pirates and when by?
2000 - 1939.
80 of 119
When were Hans and Sophie Scholl caught at Munich uni?
81 of 119
By 1944 how much had the attending of femals increased by?
82 of 119
The Law for Restoration of the Public Civil Service purged how many uni teachers?
83 of 119
When was that law passed?
April 1933.
84 of 119
What % of students attended weekly sessions as part of German Students' League?
85 of 119
By 1937 how many teachers had enrolled in NSLB?
86 of 119
What year were textbooks approved and Nazified?
87 of 119
How many NAPOLA schools were established by 1938?
88 of 119
By 1938 what fraction of teachers had attended ideological courses?
89 of 119
What did the Reich Entailed Farm Law do?
Protected Germany's small and medium sized farms.
90 of 119
What % of farms did that law apply to?
91 of 119
What did the Reich Food Estate establish? When was it initiated?
1934 - established control over prices/wages, to regulate agriculture.
92 of 119
Between 1933 and 1939 how many agricultural labourers had moved to town to find work?
1.5 million
93 of 119
When did nazis pass a law to reduce unemployment?
1 June 1933.
94 of 119
In what year were women banned from judicial roles?
95 of 119
How many marriages were there in 1934?
96 of 119
When was the Marriage Law established?
97 of 119
When was the Blood Protection Law established?
98 of 119
In 1934 how many grocery parcels/baby clothes were distributed?
1500 grocery parcels - 172 baby clothes.
99 of 119
How many children were born out of the Lebensborn programme?
100 of 119
When did the German Christians call for cleansing of un-German elements?
November 1933.
101 of 119
In August 1933, what fraction of people attending Prussian synod wore Nazi uniforms?
102 of 119
In 1933 how many pastors broke away from the Reich Church?
103 of 119
When was the Confessional Church established?
104 of 119
When was the Concordat signed?
July 1943.
105 of 119
By 1935 what % of children still attended denominational schools?
106 of 119
When did the Pope condemn the abandonment of the Concordat?
March 1937.
107 of 119
Which Pope agreed to the dissolution of the Centre Party?
Pope Pius XI.
108 of 119
Which Pope negotiated the Concordat?
Pope Pius XII.
109 of 119
What % of the KPD was killed in 1933?
110 of 119
How many 'slackers' were arrested in Gleiwitz?
111 of 119
In 1935, out of the 25k strikers, how many spent periods in prison?
112 of 119
In what year was conscription for boys aged 19?
113 of 119
How many boys and girls helped gathered 1942 harvest?
600k boys 1.4m girls.
114 of 119
When and where did Goebbels make his Total War Speech?
Sports Palace in Berlin Feb 1943.
115 of 119
When did Hitler set up the Comprehensive Deployment of Men and Women for Reich Defence Tasks?
13 Jan 1943.
116 of 119
When did the Red Army launch a counter-offensive?
5 Dec 1941.
117 of 119
Which SD report said there was a 'downbeat mood among the population'?
March 1944.
118 of 119
When did Hitler agree to requisition of homes?
119 of 119
Other cards in this set
Card 2
How much reparations did Germany have to pay as part of the Treaty of Versailles?
Card 3
How much land/population did they lose? How much was their army reduced to?

Card 4
When did Hitler become the chairman of the NSDAP?

Card 5
When was the Spartacist uprising?

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