To increase the birth rate and establish traditional roles for women (Lebensraum)
1 of 23
What was the Nazi slogon for women that reffered back to 19c traditional role (Volkagemeinschaft)?
Kinder, Küche, Kirche (Children, kitchen, church)
2 of 23
Nazi polcies
3 of 23
What did proganda protray 1920's Weimar 'new' women as?
Degenerate and 'ungerman'
4 of 23
When were women dissminssed from all senoir roles in civil service and medical professions?
5 of 23
When were women banned from being judges , lawyers and teachers?
6 of 23
Why were some women offered loans ?
If they left work and married an aryan man
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Maternity sertvices and childcare improved - give examples
Women given parcels for babies and rest homes to recuperate after birth
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What was discoruaged and restricted ?
Birth control and abortion
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What were lower for couples with children?
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What was awarded when mothers had more than 4 children?
The 'mothers cross'
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What was the programme called when unmarried Ayran women were paired with ** officers to get pregnant? How many children were born from this programme?
Lebensborn (started 1935)
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Who was forced to undergo sterilization?
'Underiable' women eg. disabled
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Name 3 Nazi women organizations
German Women's Leauge, The National Socialist women's organisation and Reich Mother Service
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Impact of policies
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Had much changed for women?
No Nazis just held more extreme versions held by conservative organizations and Catholic Church
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What increased?
The birth rate and the number of marriages increased (740,000 marriages 1934)
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What was there in 1937?
Shortages of workers so women had to do a duty year
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How many female uni students?
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What increased after 1938?
divorce rates
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How many dfw members were not part of the nazi party?
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However, what may be birth rate increase be a cause of?
economic recovery and not Nazi success
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What suggests there was no Volkegemischaft in regards to women ?
Tax incentives and laws against certain professionals suggest that not all were fully committed to the Nazi regime, the increase in divorce rates also suggests women were putting there own interests first before Germany
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the Nazi slogon for women that reffered back to 19c traditional role (Volkagemeinschaft)?
Kinder, Küche, Kirche (Children, kitchen, church)
Card 3
Nazi polcies
Card 4
What did proganda protray 1920's Weimar 'new' women as?
Card 5
When were women dissminssed from all senoir roles in civil service and medical professions?
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