Nazi Germany key words 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSEEdexcel Created by: CharlotteW113Created on: 03-04-18 18:50 Anschluss The annexation of Austria by Germany in 1938 1 of 17 Anti-Semitism Hatred and persecution of the Jews 2 of 17 Armistice The ending of hostilities in a war 3 of 17 Aryan Nazi term for a non-German Jewish, someone of supposedly 'pure' German stock 4 of 17 Bolshevism Named from the Bolsheviks, members of the Russian Social Democrat Workers Party, who followed Lenin 5 of 17 Bolshevik revolution A revolution in Russia in 1917-18 that overthrew the tsar and brought the Bolsheviks to power 6 of 17 Capitalism An economic system in which the production and distrubution of goods depending on private investement 7 of 17 Censorship Controlling what is produced and supressing anything considered to be against the state 8 of 17 Centre Party (ZP) A Catholic Party occupying the middle ground in political views 9 of 17 Civil Rights Basic rights of citizens such as the right to vote, equal treatment under the laws, ect 10 of 17 Coalition government A government of two or more political parties 11 of 17 Communist Party (KPD) The German Communist Party, following the ideas of Karl Marx 12 of 17 Communists Followers of the commuist ideas of Karl Marx, who believed, for example, that the state should own the means of production and distribution 13 of 17 Concentration camp Prison for political prisoners and enemies of the state, who are placed there without trial 14 of 17 Concordat An agreement between the Pope and a government concerning the legal status of the Roman Catholic Church within that government's territory 15 of 17 Conscription Compulsory miliraty service for a certain period of time 16 of 17 Constitution The basic principles according to which a country is governed 17 of 17