nazi control and dictatorship 1933-9

when was the reichstag fire
27th february 1933
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who started the reichstag fire
dutch communist marinus van der lubbe
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who did hitler form a coalition with to have the majority of votes
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what did the reichstag fire allow hitler to do
to pass an emergency decree which suspended the weimar constitution and this allowed him to imprision communists
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when was the enabling act passed
23rd march 1933
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what did the enabling act do
gave hitler the right to make laws without the reichstags approval for four years
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when were the nazi officials put in charge of all local government with foreigners being removed from the civil sernice,courts and educational sectors
7th april 1933
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when did the nazis ban trade unions
2nd may 1933
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what did nazis replace trade unions with
DAF(german labour front)
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when did the nazis ban other political parties
14th july 1933
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when were all state government taken over by the nazis
january 1934
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when was the night of the long knives
30th june 1934
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what did the SA do that caused the night of the long knives
they demanded that the nazis carried out their socialist agenda and that the SA take over the army
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why did hitler not do as the SA asked
he could not afford to annohy the business men or the army
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who was the leader of the SA
ernst rohm
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who carried out the night of the long knives
the **
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how many members of the SA were killed during the night of the long knives
400 including rohm and hitlers other opponents such as former chancellor Von Schleicher
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when did hidenburg die and how
2nd august 1934
heart attack
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when did hitler become the fuhrerprinzip
2nd august 1934
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who did members of the army swear allegiance to
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what did hitler declare himself as
both chancellor and president
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what were peoples court like under the nazis
judges had to swear an oath of loyalty to the nazis
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who led the **
heinrich himmler
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what did the ** do
they searched homes and they could arrest anyone.they also ran concentration camos and death camps.they were hitlers personal bodyguards
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what did the gestapo do
spied on people who they thought may be a threat and normal civillians
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who led the sd
reinhard heydrich
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what did the sd do
spied on nazi opposition in germant and in other countries
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what did lawyers have to join
the nazi lawyers association
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what happenened to the role of defense lawyers in criminal trails
their roles were weakend
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what happened ti the standard punishment for crimes
they were abolished and so local prosecutors could decide what penalties to impose on those found guilty
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what happened at the enf of mant prisoners prison sentences
they were not released and instead sent to a concentratio camp
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why did hitler see religion as a threat
it emphasizes peace and opposes fudenmental nazi ideaology
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when as the concordat signed
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what was the concordat
hitler wouldnt interfere with the church as long as the catholics would stay out of politics
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what was the name of the nazi controlled church (protestant)
the reich church
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why did nazis attempt to ban the old testament
it was regarded as a jewish book
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how many pastors of the confessional church were arrested and sent to concentration camps
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what restrictions were placed upon catholics
catholic schools and youth organisations were suppressed and catholic newspapers were banned
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how many catholic priests were sent to dachau concentration camp
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where was the swastika displayed
on every government uniform and public building
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how did the nazis censor the press
all newspapers were controlled by the ogvernment and could only print stories favourable to the nazi regime
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how did the nazis control radio broadcasts
people's radios were sold very cheaply so that most germans could afford one.all radio output was controlled by goebbels' ministry through the reich broadcasting corporation
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how did the nazis use mass rallied
these public displays of support for nazism involved music,speeches and demonstrations of germna strength.they demonstarted power discipline and order
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what was the biggest nazi rally
the nuremberg rally that was held annually in august
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how did the nazis use sport events
berlin hosted the olmypics in 1936,which the nazis used as an opportunity to showcase the success of the regime and to demonstrate the superiority of the aryan race
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which african-american won a gold medal at the 1936 olympics
jesse owens
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how mant works of art were removed from the display across germany
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what type of art did hitler see as degenerate(low standard)
abstract modern art
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who was the most important nazi architect
albert speer
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who designed the stadium in nuremberg
albert speer
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when did the nazis burn books from librarys as they opposed nazi beliefs
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which authors had their literature burned by the nazis
jewish authors
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what types of plays were allowed
classical works byt the likes of shakespeare
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what was shown before each movie
a 40 minute reel of nazi achievements incoporated within the usual time for news to be displayed
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who was a popular nazi director
directors such as leni rienfenstahl created patriotic films such as triumph of the will [1935]
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which musical works were banned
works by jewish composers such as mendelssohn and mahler
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which germna composer was promoted
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which protestant pastor was linked to the 1944 bomb plot
dietrich bonhoffer
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when did hitler restore the protestant churchs independence
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when and where was rhe popes message 'with burning concern' read out
every catholic church
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when did the catholic archbishop of munster,von galen campaign to eng
the euthanasia of mentally disabled people
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where were the edelweiss pirates based
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what did the edelweiss pirates do
attack the hitler youth,wore american clothes and did graffiti
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who were the swing youth
listened to jazz and swing illegally smoked and drank alcohol un parties up to 6000
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why did nazis reject jazz music
they saw it as degenerate and called it ***** music,using their racial ideas against cultural development
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what tricks did the nazis use to win in 1933
they controlled the news/media,
opposition meetings were banned ,
they used the sa to terrorise opponents,
when a fire broke out in the reichstag building,hitler blamed the communist oarty
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what was the emergency power
hidenburg issued a decree giving hitler emergency powers to deal with the supposed communist threat
these powerd were used to intimidate communist voters
the emergency powers were a first step in making
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what was the emergency power 2
germany a dictatorship
hitler justified emergency powers by saing they were necessary to protect german he faced little opposition from public
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what was the enabling act
a law that would allow hitler to pass laws without the approval of the reichstag or the president
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wgat gave hitler the ability to pass the enabling act
in mARCH 1933 elections,the nazi party won 288 seats but they didnt have an overall hitler made communist party illegal,giving him enough support to bring in the enabling act
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why was the enabiling act 1933 important
the enabling act allowed hitler to bring in controversial legislation into force to strengthen nazi party's position
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when did hitler ban all other parties
hitler banned all political parties except for the nazis in 1933
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why was the sa a threat to hitler
the sa had over 400,000 men by 1934
the sa were loyal to teh sa leader ernst rohm
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when wAS the night of the long knives
29-30th june 1934
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explain the night of the long knives
many members of the sa including rohm were demanding that the nazi party carry out its socialist agenda and that the sa take over the army
hitler ordered the ** to arrest and murder th sa and rohm
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explain the night of the long knives 2
hitler claimed those who were killed has been plotting to overthrow the government,so he declared their murderd legal
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why did the night of hte long knives strengthen the nazis
the night of the long knives stamped out potential opposition and ent out a powerful message about hitlers ruthlessness and brutality. it showed hitler could act above th law
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when did hitler becoem fuhrerprinzip
19th aug 1934
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explain how hitler became fuhrerprinzip
in aug 1934 hidenburg died
hitler combined posts of chancellor and president making himself fuhrer on 19 sug 1934
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explain the reorginasition of the german government in 1936
Officials < Gauleiters < Reichsleiters < Fuhrer
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who was in charge of **
heinrich himmler was in cahrge of the **
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explain the nazi police state ** and sd
after 1933 nazi germany was controlled by a police state
the ** wore intimidating black uniforms to rival the SA brownshirts
over 240,000 members of **
the sd were lead by heydrich and they keptacard index of anyone who suspected opposing nazi
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explain the nazi police state courts
all judges in court had to be nazi members creating bias
hitler abolished jury
hitler set up a peopled court in 1934
roland freidler was apeoples courtjudge 90%of his cases resulted in death penalty
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explain the nazi police state;gestapo
gestapo were secret police created in 1933 led by reinhard heydrich
their aim was to instill fear so that germans were afraid to criticise nazis
they opened mail,tapped phones
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explain the nazi police state;gestapo2
there were inly 30,000 gestapo to 80 million germans byt the oublic were never aware of this number
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Who was in charge of Nazi propaganda?
Joseph Goebbels
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Describe Nazi propaganda
-united German people and convinced them Nazis made Germany strong
-''Cult of the Führer'' made Hitler seem like the saviour of Germany
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Describe Nazi propaganda2
-Spread antisemitism- for example propaganda by Joseph Goebbels claimed Jews murdered children for Passover
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What was founded in 1933?
Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda was founded in 1933 by Joseph Goebbels
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How did Nazis use media as a propaganda tool
-Nazis used censorship
-by 1939, 70% of houses had a radio which gave Nazis a voice
-In 1933, 3% of German daily newspapers were controlled by Nazis. By 1944, this had risen to 82%
-Nazis produced hundreds of films
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How did Nazis use public rallies as propaganda
Nuremberg rallies for used ok speeches by leading Nazis like Hitler and Goebbels
-In 1936, 1 million people attended the Nuremberg rally which had displays of lights and flags
-1936 Berlin Olympics showed off German wealth and power
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How did propaganda change culture and society?
-textbooks were rewritten
-children were taught Nazi doctrines
-Modern art was banned in favour of realistic painting staff did Nazi ideologies
-art and magic by Jews were banned
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


who started the reichstag fire


dutch communist marinus van der lubbe

Card 3


who did hitler form a coalition with to have the majority of votes


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what did the reichstag fire allow hitler to do


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


when was the enabling act passed


Preview of the front of card 5
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