Natural Law Quotes 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Religious StudiesEthicsASOCR Created by: EmmaCreated on: 13-04-14 17:34 Cicero "True law is right reason in agreement with nature" 1 of 8 Stoics Logos, rationality governing the world + "natural law is a law of right reason" 2 of 8 Aristotle's Work Nichomachean Ethics 3 of 8 Aristotle's quote "The natural is that which everywhere is equally valid 4 of 8 St Paul's quote Letter to Romans: Law "written in hearts" of Gentiles 5 of 8 Aquinas on good and evil "Good is to be done and pursued and evil is to be avoided. All other primary precepts of the law of nature are based on this..." 6 of 8 Aquinas on innate natural law "Natural law is the same for all men... there is a single standard of truth and right for everyone... which is known by everyone" 7 of 8 Aquinas on sinning/apparent good/evil "No evil can be desirable... It is sought indirectly namely because it is the consequence of some good" 8 of 8
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